Google: what do you think is on their agenda?


I'm trying to flush out some ideas about what Google as a company wants to be doing in the fairly-near future. I know there's basic rumours about a web browser, and operating system, and a plan to release full books for free.

What I'm also interested in is a list of companies with whom Google have corporate ties. I'm interested since I couldn't imagine Google wanting to blacken it's rather popular brand name.
I'm buying into the open source software distrubution theory. I would love to see that. Have the Google interface where I can search for Open Source software. Have it streamlined and easy to narrow down the search. It would be great.
BlueTsunami said:
I'm buying into the open source software distrubution theory. I would love to see that. Have the Google interface where I can search for Open Source software. Have it streamlined and easy to narrow down the search. It would be great.

Isnt that Sourceforge right now? I love that site, so great and has sooooo many useful tools.

Personally I think we'll see: A mini OS from Google, not full feldged like Windows, just your basic tasks all rolled into one.
Skrying said:
Isnt that Sourceforge right now? I love that site, so great and has sooooo many useful tools.

Personally I think we'll see: A mini OS from Google, not full feldged like Windows, just your basic tasks all rolled into one.

Basically Sourceforge but somehow google will come up with their own directory structure. Probably integrate it into the granstream of the main google search engine.
BlueTsunami said:
Basically Sourceforge but somehow google will come up with their own directory structure. Probably integrate it into the granstream of the main google search engine.

Yeah, I think Google could make it more user friendly and open open source (haha, I crack myself up) to a much wider audience and make it a regular place to check for programs.

I can see Google leading us to a cheaper Internet/computer. I think we'll see more tools from them, powerful ones at that, that are free and of high quality.
PARANOiA said:
I'm trying to flush out some ideas about what Google as a company wants to be doing in the fairly-near future. I know there's basic rumours about a web browser, and operating system, and a plan to release full books for free.

Google is subsidizing the development of Open Office, both financially and by lending out personnel. I believe their goals were to streamline the interface, cut down on it's resource usage: basically make it pallettable to a mass audience. They appear to be very, as already stated in this thread, very big supporters of the Open Source movement.
Skrying said:
Personally I think we'll see: A mini OS from Google, not full feldged like Windows, just your basic tasks all rolled into one.
More than that, your own personalised GoogleOS, with all your email and documents, accessable from any internet PC.
Hrmm keep em coming guys.

Out of interest Google are hiring here in Australia at the moment. I'd love a job there - would take a pay cut and everything. I currently manage external corporate accounts at a multinational, but any entry into a company like Google would really give me more passion for my work, even as a code monkey

Unfortunately the programmers require an entry-level of a PHD! Here's me with my Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering all for nothing :cry:
PARANOiA said:
Unfortunately the programmers require an entry-level of a PHD! Here's me with my Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering all for nothing :cry:

It's more the fact that a PhD shows you can work well independently, with others and see big things to completion. If you can prove to them that you possess those abilities, I'm sure they'd consider you.
Fodder said:
More than that, your own personalised GoogleOS, with all your email and documents, accessable from any internet PC.

Now that would be something I'd like to see, if it could be pulled of securely.
I don't think google really claims to provide any security (in terms of privacy) with their products. Hell, they make their money doing the same kind of behavior monitoring and ad delivery that most people complain about from other companies.

I kind of like the fact that not all of my data is stored on the drives of some random company whose user agreements and ethical practices could easily change overnight. Besides, as long as you have a computer at home with an always-on internet connection you already have an operating system you can access remotely on the internet from any PC at any time.

Of course most people don't realize that until someone like Apple or Google makes it trendy enough for them to pay attention.
PARANOiA said:
Unfortunately the programmers require an entry-level of a PHD! Here's me with my Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering all for nothing :cry:

Yes, I have a graduate degree in C.S. from a top ~20-25 US computer science program and guess what - they basically laughed at my resume. :cry: Hint: even having the otherwise magic letters "Ph.D." somewhere on your CV is no guarantee with them.

Google is without a doubt one of, if not the, most selective employers on the market.
I think the next really big thing for Google will a a fusion of their various services, especially with regards to Google Earth, creating some sort of information nexus. There is a lot of - scary - potential.

Google controls more than 95% of the search engine market for searches actively done by users. The published statistics are way off and distorted by stuff like IE redirecting you to some MS search engine every time you mistype an URL. The fact is that there is no real competition. Google's market dominance is almost total.
akira888 said:
Yes, I have a graduate degree in C.S. from a top ~20-25 US computer science program and guess what - they basically laughed at my resume. :cry: Hint: even having the otherwise magic letters "Ph.D." somewhere on your CV is no guarantee with them.

Google is without a doubt one of, if not the, most selective employers on the market.

Which is true, though it can also be said that *not* having PhD o your CV is no guarantee that they won't employ you.

I know a few people who work there - they're smart folks, but as far as I know, none of them can call themselves Dr.

Google also have a yearly code-jam competition thing, which seems reasonably hard-core by the final rounds and I'm fairly sure could net you a job if you did well, pretty much regardless of quals.

Essentially it's just a matter of proving that you're good enough, and standing out from the crowd so that they notice you. Which is the same for most jobs, but Google are probably a little harder to please and quite over-subscribed with applications.

I think if I wanted to apply there, I'd treat it like a games company. I wouldn't send just a CV, I'd put together some kind of demo/showreel of my work. Tailored around the kind of qualities I imagine Google want, I think that could work.

The only caveat is that if you're a non-American and want to work in America, it ought to be considerably easier to get a visa to work over there if you have serious academic qualifications (or a very long CV).
Think The Matrix, but we get cookies in our glass coffin things where they take energy out of us to feed themselves in immense human battery-like plantations...