Google is making a videogame console.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 13524
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I just saw something that said over 80% of Ouya owners have not paid a cent for a game. That and the number of Ouya owners is low.

Google will have to convince the big console game publishers to support their system They'd have to have a compelling product at a very competitive price.

Otherwise, I don't see the point in a that's mainly designed to play the same mobile games you can play on your phone. Dedicated controls and TV output? Nice but I don't see people buying an extra device just for that.
I think the $35 Chromecast is their answer....


Tommy McClain
I just saw something that said over 80% of Ouya owners have not paid a cent for a game. That and the number of Ouya owners is low.
Well who expected Ouya to be successful or to make money to publishers?
Google will have to convince the big console game publishers to support their system They'd have to have a compelling product at a very competitive price.
Indeed, they need to increase security. Either way, they go with lot of free to play and ads. I think lot of people are ready.
Still security has to be improved, so it makes me wonder about they could do around ChromeOS but WebGL looks like a quite complicated thing.
Otherwise, I don't see the point in a that's mainly designed to play the same mobile games you can play on your phone. Dedicated controls and TV output? Nice but I don't see people buying an extra device just for that.
Indeed they need more, they don't need all the "cores" games but they need to have relevant ones from the console realm but why not from the PC realm too.
Another core focused console from a new player won't be successful. Too many things would be lacking, including name/brand recognition, market share, developer support, features in resident software and so on. You can't just waltz into this market and expect great success, or shit, any success at all. Even microsoft - arguably the greatest software developer in the world - had to struggle for almost ten friggin years to be profitable.

Also, from what people like John Carmack have said, android is rather ill-suited for games due to OS inefficiencies, overhead etc. Android is free, but frequently, free is not your best choice.
Another core focused console from a new player won't be successful. Too many things would be lacking, including name/brand recognition, market share, developer support, features in resident software and so on. You can't just waltz into this market and expect great success, or shit, any success at all. Even microsoft - arguably the greatest software developer in the world - had to struggle for almost ten friggin years to be profitable.

Also, from what people like John Carmack have said, android is rather ill-suited for games due to OS inefficiencies, overhead etc. Android is free, but frequently, free is not your best choice.
Though he expects it (Android) to become relevant, though just not now.
As for Amazon own effort, I'm no bullish either / I share your pov. I think it will take Google to set Android on track, there are not there yet, though in a couple of years, that might be another matter.
Hmm, I just picked up Raiden legacy on my GS3 for 1.99. It's 4 Raiden games.

They all look and play fricken beautiful, except touch controls=garbage.

I was so impressed, though.

I'm a little receptive to Ouya/Android consoles.

Ya that's the thing though... modern mobile games can't hold a candle to old NES and SNES titles, so once you get a controller in your hand, you might as well just fire up the emulator anyways...

I have an nVidia Shield, I freakin love it, but there's virtually nothing on Android that is worth playing at all. Which is fine, it does 99 other things that are all great.

Maybe a few of the AAA remakes, like FF6 or something would be high quality. But for the most part, it's pretty crap compared to the glorious masterpieces created in the 1990's.
An Android based console from Amazon that is 'core-focused'. Uhhh... wtf doees that even mean? There's about 0 titles on Android right now that would appeal to the hardcore gamer market.

I believe the rumour. But not core-focused at all, that's not Amazon's audience. It will compliment the Kindle Fire Tablet, and drive sales of typical Android Games through Amazon Marketplace. If anything, they're targeting the same people who bought the Wii (parents, grandparents etc)
I almost made a thread abouit that Amazon console yesterday. But didn't pull the trigger. Noew I'm too lazy to gather links n such.

Anyways a GAF mod thinks via techcrunch it's Snapdragon 800/Adreno 330 based, which looks top of the line


Looks like that "ouya with actual backing" I wanted, starting with a much more powerful chipset.

Won't matter how powerful it is if they screw up a) software and b) controller. And this is Amazon we are talking about. I don't have high confidence in either.

Uh-oh, Sony and MS, you need to run fast. Announce and launch shortly after. Don't waste time talking or explaining before launch. What's done is done. ^_^

Stay open (in terms of partnership) and stay on top of Android and iOS. Do not fight the platform war. Using Android is fine, but branch your own. And work with iOS. If you can't differentiate from the generic Android experience, you will have to face Amazon on zero margin. 8^O

And git that Cloud gaming thing going. Amazon already has EC2 well oiled.

EDIT: You may have to pull Hirai to the frontline to make quick and strategic decisions on the spot.
I really hope something comes of this either from Google, Amazon, Apple or whomever, but more importantly that they target new audiences and not just typical gamers. I feel new audiences will be more embracing of new technologies and be more connected compared to typical gamers that are more mired in the past and tend to fight anything new, so while I've written off expecting amazing new stuff from the new gen since it mostly looks the same as old gen, Amazon, Google and so on could actually start something new and interesting here compared to the boring "graphics bump" consoles that we have that are only allowed to do the same old thing. I really hope a new competitor emerges here and I don't really care who it is. Amazon has the clout do make it happen, hopefully Apple will try something as well, we really need some new blood in this space to prevent stagnation.
May not be accurate nor fair to state that Sony and MS don't innovate. It's just different stages of the console lifecycle.
Gaikai, Kinect, Cloud gaming are all pretty interesting.

Amazon is said to target core gamers as well.
Right but the current console gaming audience doesn't seem interested in things like cloud or kinect which they prefer to fight at every turn, they just want status quo with better graphics. That's all fine and the current boxes can continue to serve those customers, I'm hoping companies like Amazon, Apple and the like go after current but also new audiences that are more receptive to new ideas and tend to be more connected, perhaps with some cross device capability and forward compatibility. Hopefully something new pans out with some fresh competition.
Right but the current console gaming audience doesn't seem interested in things like cloud or kinect

I don't think they are against cloud. They were against using cloud as marketing fluff.

As for Kinect, they are unwilling to pay for it if it's (perceived as) not useful in core games. Microsoft can create alternate game experiences for another audience. Or they have to show genuine gaming benefits. Most of all, people were just unhappy about MS's DRM announcements.

Amazon don't really need to bring in new experience if they simply focus on cutting price.
Right but the current console gaming audience doesn't seem interested in things like cloud or kinect which they prefer to fight at every turn...
They want things that make for better, fun games. Kinect has a negative reputation built on what was released for it. The cloud hasn't been shown contributing much. So you can't expect people to get excited over new possibilities in an industry saturated with lame implementations and fuzzy ideas that never go anywhere. If any company wants the consumer to be excited by an innovation, they need to back and showcase that innovation in a manner that communicates their vision and inspires people. Waving a technical concept in front of people and hoping they get all excited about it is never going to work.
Kinect has had a negative reputation on forums, ie with traditional gamers. Outside of that it has done very well. That's a prime example, the traditional console audience just wants their usual thing, new ideas and interfaces are better spent on new audiences, traditional gamers don't want it which means programmers less likely to invest time and money in it. In other words a largely traditional gamer audiences scares away r&d time and money from new ideas and funnels them back into the same old stuff. Likewise with cloud, it's not even out yet but it's already been written off by traditional gamers, which resulted in backpedalling and now I don't expect anything to come of optional cloud this gen at all. It's the audience that cause that, along with their disinterest. Even still if they did use it and made say a cloud human ai for games, like Siri + Cortanna all put together like I had mentioned long time ago in another thread. So you talk to the game and ask "how do I get on that ledge" or "what dangers lie ahead", etc and the Siri+Cortanna ai responds, that's a perfect use of cloud and high latency tolerant. But traditional gamers don't care about that, all they want is new levels, powerups, weapons, etc, so it's less likely a company would make something like that with a traditional "gamers" audience because they just don't care, so why spend the money at all. But outside of them, new audiences would love sometime like that, so I argue that with new audiences we are more likely to see new inventions, new interfaces, new use of cloud and so on because new audiences are more accepting and interested in that, whereas traditional gamers don't care, will belittle it on forums, will fight against it, etc, and basically scare away r&d money from these ideas.

There's only two solutions as I see it. One is transform the current consoles to accept new audiences and ideas, but you can see how well that's going as traditional gamers raise their pitchforks in the air and constantly complain about everything from how cu's are being used, to how memory is being used, to wasting time on cloud and Kinect, etc.

The second solution is a new competitor who from the get-go goes after all audiences. So rather than just go after traditional gamers, they go after all audiences from day one. It would get ridiculed and maligned all over forums by traditional gamers but who cares, these new audiences don't read these forums anyways plus the new audiences spend more money anwyays. Think of the Wii as the example of this, they went for a whole new audience from day one and they were crucified for it almost non stop for ages, yet they went on to win the generation.

Something like that needs to happen again but with a wider focus than Nintendo has, less stubbornness than Nintendo, more resources than Nintendo has, and with more user friendly focus than Nintendo has. Amazon should be a good candidate for this, perhaps with some outside help from 3rd parties. Apple, well maybe less so but still I'd love it if they made a play for it as they always shake things up one way or the other. Google wants to ad mine the planet so they inevitably will try. In the end I have no brand allegiance so I'll buy into whoever makes the most interesting box and walk away from the rest.
iOS, Android, web offer mass market games.

Amazon does it as part of Android, but apparently they want exclusive core games too. That oesn't mean Sony and MS are not innovative. Gaikai and Kinect are pretty far ahead.

Something like Gaikai is not really restricted by core gamers. They may work better with mass market games.