Trying to watch a video with the Windows Media Player plug-in is painful - it locks up Chrome ever few seconds for about 20 seconds. And it makes the browser dog-slow.
Trying to scroll while a HD flash video plays on freezes the browser for up to 20 seconds and sometimes yields a nice "website does not respond" (or somesuch, didn't really pay attention) message.
I tried this out and I got exactly the same issue. I'd scroll the gametrailers window and the entire chrome application would lock up for 10 seconds or longer.
Then I went to apple and watched a large format trailer, and I got it to lock up by messing around in another window at the same time. If I watch an HD trailer (480p is the best my PC can handle) it plays in the quicktime app, not embedded on the page and I don't seem to have the same problem. But I do notice the playback gets a little tiny bit stuttery. Seems odd because Chrome is not showing CPU utilization above 10% at any time. I wonder how it manages it's processes? I'm assuming it uses the Windows scheduler. I'm running XP on a single threaded CPU (Athlon64 2800), so maybe that is where the issue lies? Hopefully performance improves.
Edit: You can see each of the chrome processes in the Windows task manager. So I played a vid and started scrolling the window and it appears the main PID that's called browser hits 100% CPU and the entire application becomes unresponsive.
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