Going to be in singapore


I think i spelt that right. Anyway my father is going to singapore and he invited me to come. I'm told that you can get digital cameras and video cameras much cheaper and of a higher quality than you can get here. Is there any truth to that. If so does anyone recomend a camera or video camera thats pretty cheap there. I figure since its the week before my sisters wedding a new camera would be usefull. But if its only like 50$ cheaper there for the same model i can get at best buy here its not worth it.
jvd said:
I'm told that you can get digital cameras and video cameras much cheaper and of a higher quality than you can get here. Is there any truth to that.

I've only been to Singapore once and that was ten years ago. I did look for cheap electronics then and was not impressed. However, I probably looked at products with lower margins than cameras (thus leaving smaller room for lower prices) and as already said it was ten years ago, so it might not mean much.
Welcome to Singapore! :)

If you are going to buy any electronics gear, I would recommend you to avoid the retailers in this list:
The list is far from exhaustive, imo, but it would serve well as a beginning.

The usual rule applies: Take your time to check and compare the prices across different shops before you buy. Do not believe every word the staff claims, especially when they keep egging you to buy the product. There're black sheeps that take advantage of the fact that tourists do not stay here for long, only to discover being persuaded into buying an inferior/overpriced product when it's too late. Those are in the minority, but do watch out for them.

I'm not familiar with electronics (digicam) scene, so I can't really recommend any particular locations for a good buy. However, if you are interested in PC hardware, I could give some advice... ;)

Enjoy your visit here!