God Of War III details coming !!

Rumours are out saying Sony has announced in the Paris GDC that God Of War III will be shown at E3 this year !:cool:

Frankly after MGS, this is one series I enjoy every bit of !

Rumours were out there earlier of some online content in GOWIII, but I hope it has stellar single player as in GOW and GOW II. The games were a blast.

Also, it seems to be confirmed that it will run at 1080p and will support sixaxis as wel l as Dualshock 3.Just assimilating all the news out there for GOW III .

EDIT: Here's the link to multiple sites showing the news: http://www.n4g.com/ps3/News-160998.aspx
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You would think they'd show trailers at least. Didn't they have previews for at least a couple of years before they released the original, which took a few years to develop?

I enjoyed the singleplayer too but I hope they plan some online modes to expand the gameplay, instead of rationalize about limiting the "brand" to what the previous incarnations have established (see the Tomb Raider and offshoot threads).
I would expect a teaser and some concept art after that atleast.
Lets see how Kratos looks like on a PS3 ! Remembering how good GOWII looked on the ps2, and that Santa Monica has been helping out Naughty DOg, Guerilla and Insomniac, I think they might be familiar enough with the PS3 architecture now, and we can expect some CooOOooL stuff !;)
Well the game started production about 2 years ago, I would imagine an in-game teaser or full on trailer.