Go Henman GO!

London Geezer

Just thought i'd create a Wimbledon thread. Now that England is out of Euro 2004, we can all focus on what REALLY matters and is actually fun to watch: Tennis.

I really don't expect Henman to win Wimbledon, like, ever... but this is my tribute to him, after the amazing job he did beating Philipoussis and all...
london-boy said:
after the amazing job he did beating Philipoussis and all...
I was disappointed how long it took Mark to find his form. <sigh>
Henman up next then?

Another session on the tennis rollercoaster that is a British Wimbledon hope - Hurrah! :p
Henman is already on. He's our last hope!

Game going with the serve it seems...


YAY! 3-3!!!

3-4.... Ancic, give it up!!

Go on Timmy!



GO Ancic GO!


well it's 2-0 and he's already been broken .

welcome tim to the world of english no-hopers .. f-f-s


london-boy said:
No, really, i'm on a website with live updates.............. ;)

The official Wimbledon website has a very cool Java applet for score updates - Quite addictive. :p

Although, as of now also quite depressing. :rolleyes: