it is less energy intensive to cool down than to heat up, that's what matters now isn't it?
Not really, as AC equipment must run on high-grade energy in the form of electricity, which needs to be generated and distributed with associated waste at every step, whereas heating can come from what is already waste sources, such as electric powerplant heat exchangers, paper or steel mills, refineries, garbage incineration facilities and so on, and then distributed in a network of pipes across a city-wide area. This is very common in Sweden for example.
Electricity is always going to be more expensive than waste heat, at least in anything remotely resembling a free market economy, since it's the more valuable and versatile form of energy of the two.
Those physical models change every day, and they give a vast range.
Maybe they are, and so what if they are? Why's that a problem?
Wouldn't it be more of a problem if they never changed, despite our still limited understanding of the global weather system? I don't get you anti-science, anti-reasoning types. You act as if honing and refining our knowledge is a bad thing.
You think ANY field of science just sprung into existence fully-fledged from the get-go? Wtflol. You must be completely daft... Just take a look at astrophysics. Start at the beginning, the ancient greeks and whatnot, early christians, then Kepler, Copernicus and so on. Moving on into modern times with the discoveries of galaxies, red-shift, cosmic background radiation, on and on and on. How many times didn't scientists (or their progenitors in ancient times) form a view of the universe, only for it to be discarded later on.
Saying that EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE IS BAD, or makes science suspect, is completely fucked-up. You even have any idea how fucked-up that is? Why don't you read up on the scientific model, how it works, what a scientific theory really is (specifically, it's not merely GUESSWORK.)
"Oh No! Miami is going under" is just alarmist environ-mental-ist propaganda.
You don't really have a clue wether it is alarmist propaganda or not, since you lack any and all experience and competence in the fields of climate science... You're just burping denialist talking points on cue like a good puppet, thinking you actually got anything worthwile to say (and you're mistaken.)
If people, animals, plants, etc. can withstand daily variations that are an order of magnitude more than the warming amount, they'll be fine with the gradual warming of the average by 1 degree over a hundred years.
Plants and animals may be able to withstand variations on that scale over SHORT time periods. Over longer time periods, odd things can, and usually do happen. Everything from the sex distribution in fish, amphibian or reptilian population population changing proportions, species migrations (including invasions of pests or diseases that never previously existed in that area), plant extinctions and so on.
Hmm, I think you are confused or perhaps I am. Your earlier argument was about ENERGY use, not the release of CO2. The amount of CO2 released is NOT NECESSARILY directly proportional to the amount of joules consumed.
He simply doesn't know what he's talking about. Or perhaps rather, he doesn't know what he's saying really means, since he doesn't understand the true meaning of concepts like energy. He probably either didn't study physics in school, or didn't pay much attention during class.
Instead, he read some shit on the internet that fit his own preconcieved ideas and then latched onto it, since he would simply prefer things to stay the way they are now. Much more convenient, besides, that way he can supposedly save a buck too by not having to care about the environment.
Well, 2010 was the coldest year since decades here in the Netherlands.
The Netherlands is just a flyspeck on the map of the european continent, which just happens to be the smallest, or maybe 2nd smallest of the earth's continents (maybe we're bigger than Oz, I can't be arsed to look it up right now), and then consider that only 40% of so of the planet's surface is landmass to begin with. So what temperature you had during 2010 really doesn't matter a whole lot in the big scheme of things.