While I agree with you in general (people seem to be rather uneducated/unknowing on average) and I blame the media (television!) and politics, I tend to think that's just me being stupid. Because I'm a minority in many things.It can't both warm AND cool in the same timespan. It has to be either one or the other. If you want to nitpick, you might say in any given timespan it first warms, then cools, then warms...etc, however the net sum of all changes cannot be both warming AND cooling at the same time. It's like force vector addition, elementary highschool physics.
And we have evidence the earth has warmed in the modern industrial era, so disputing that kind of makes people into little don quijotes, flailing at windmills.
Ok, I should know better by now, but it's like a build-in reflex (don't ask). And I did research most of all those things I'm talking about. Looked it up, figured it out for myself, cross-referenced it. And again. Etc. But most everyone will tell you that is just stupid, there is no way you can figure everything out by yourself, so why try? And so what: you do want to be able to join the conversation during lunch, do you? And the media might skew things a tiny bit, but surely they won't lie to us! They know what they're talking about!
And what is more important: being able to join conversations, know what they are talking about and being able to agree, or having a (hard gained) alternative opinion nobody cares about?
And I do agree with you, that the Earth warms and cools, whatever.
But, the important part: if the stratosphere cooling actually means that the Earth warms up, how do we re-calibrate our best measuring devices (again)? The satellites? Whom all scientists agree are the best ones we got, and have the most impact?
Yes, I know there are multiple wavelengths that all signify different things. But they're broad (overlap) and additive.