And those assumptions of yours are why Game Pass needs to exist. You have this assumption that just because it's not made by Sony, Microsoft, or some huge AAA developer that it must be some little formulaic title that noone wants to play.
The reality couldn't possibly be farther from your assumptions. Isometric games are in the minority as as strategy games. A small minority. A VERY tiny fraction of the games.
There's a thriving ecosystem filled with action games, 3rd person games, first person games, flight simulators, RPGs, hack and slash adventure games, shooter adventure games, story driven narratives, horror games (the best ones come out of this space and not the AAA space), simulation games (those pesky flight simulators that HZD couldn't manage because the hardware was too weak

), war games, anti-war games, meditation games, grow and nurture a pet games, Pokemon style games, survival games, card games, puzzle games, building games, physics games ... I could likely write another 1000+ words describing the various genres that are available.
And then take all those genres and mix them up because they don't follow any AAA formula for what a game must be and thus they freely mix and match genres with sometimes horrible but sometimes absolutely brilliant results that we'd never get out of a Sony, Microsoft, Bethesda, Capcom, SEGA, pick a AAA publisher of your choice.
Thank goodness Game Pass exists, because too many people hold the same disdain as you do for non-AAA games or developers they've never heard of. But when they finally get a chance to play those games, they suddenly find this world of games they've never bothered to look at...and as we've seen, suddenly those developers double, triple, or even quintuple their sales because people finally understand that great games don't only come out of AAA publishers.