GeFX canned?

So what now? :?: :?
Over the last week - there have been a number of rumors on the web in reference to the status of NVIDIA GeForce FX GPUs.

As you know the company does not comment on rumors and/or speculation.
Like every new product from NVIDIA - the demand is far greater than the limited supply we will have.
NVIDIA's GeForce FX Ultra 5800 and the GeForce FX 5800 are still targeted to be in retail in late February.
Well, here's a quote from the owner of VoodooPC (high performance, high price PC builder) regarding the GeforceFX Ultra 'cancellation'. Apparantly it was all Nvidia's plan from the beginning.....

There's not a bit of truth in it being cancelled at all. It's not cancelled. - though it may be released in small quantities, this was very much the plan.

It's coming in small quantities, yes, though we cannot comment on Nvidias roadmap - I assure you there will be some cards sifting through a certain retail channel, and at least Voodoo and two others will get allocation with a modified fan...
though it may be released in small quantities, this was very much the plan.

It's coming in small quantities, yes, though we cannot comment on Nvidias roadmap - I assure you there will be some cards sifting through a certain retail channel, and at least Voodoo and two others will get allocation with a modified fan...

That is just Freaking Dishonest Save your ass PR BULL****. And It makes me Angry!!!! ITs canned. Who the **** do these guys think they are??? Its not being released to the public, BFG, PNY and others are no loger accepting preorders. There are going to be made in just enough limited quantities for nothing other than a face saving coverstory and to protect their stock.

The NV30 ultra was planned on selling in limited Quantities from the beginging.. What a CROCK!!!
Its called "face-saving". See, its not cancelled at all, its actually a very special because of its limited availability, making it highly desirable. Its all a plan to sell more GFFX Ultras -- trust me, I am a PR bunny :rolleyes:

As Kyle @ [H] said:
It seems as if NVIDIA does not comment on much anything, unless it directly benefits NVIDIA.

Bottom line is that the 5800 Ultra will never be sold in stores in any great number if any, and the 400/800 clocked 5800 will be available in "limited quantity". If you have already purchased a 5800 Ultra you will get exactly what you bought, unless of course the limited supply mentioned above tightens like the noose that it has become. One day, you too will learn the language of NVIDI-ese, young Jedi.

This whole episode just gets sadder and sadder.
