Geek jokes


Retarded moron
A friend of mine has sent me this e-mail. :)

A CS student in his first semester may think a kilobyte contains 1000 bytes. In his last semester he will think that a kilometer contains 1024 meters.

A doctor, a lawyer,and an engineer are sentenced to death. Why is not important to the story...what's important is that the death sentence will be carried out in France - via guillotine.

The doctor is first. The executioner straps him down, hoists the glittering blade aloft, and lets it drop...whereupon it sticks about halfway down.

Now, it's a well-known tradition in capital punishment that if the execution apparatus fails for any reason, this is interpreted as a sign from God, and the death sentence is commuted. Accordingly, the doctor walks away, still very much alive.

The lawyer is next. The executioner straps him down, hoists the glittering blade aloft, and lets it drop...whereupon it sticks in the exact same spot.
Same rules walks.

The engineer is last. The executioner straps him down, as he hoists the blade aloft, the engineer twists his neck around, peers up at the blade, and says:

"You know, I think I see your trouble there..."

A helicopter with a pilot and a single passenger was flying around above Seattle when a malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's navigation and communications equipment. Due to the darkness and haze, the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position and course to get back to the airport.

The pilot saw a tall building with lights on and flew toward it, the pilot had the passenger draw a handwritten sign reading "WHERE AM I?" and hold it up for the building's occupants to see.

People in the building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER."

The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely.

After they were on the ground, the passenger asked the pilot how the "YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER" sign helped determine their position.

The pilot responded "I knew that had to be the Microsoft support building, they gave me a technically correct but entirely useless answer."

A computer programmer was driving his Porsche down the road. He stops for a stop sign and notices a frog in the middle of the road. The frog says to the programmer 'Hey you in the car. I'm not really a frog. I used to be a beautiful princess. If you kiss me, I will turn back into a princess and in return I will give you the best night of sex you've ever had.' The computer programmer mumbles, 'sure, yeah.' He picks up the frog and then continues down the road. The frog then says, 'OK look. If you kiss me, I'll give you a whole week of incredible sex.' The programmer mumbles, 'sure, yeah.' The frog says more forcibly this time, 'Look maybe you don't understand. I'm tired of being a frog. If you kiss me I'll give you the best sex you've ever had for the rest of your entire life.' Once again the programmer mumbles 'sure, yeah.' Finally the frog says, 'Well can you at least tell me why you won't kiss me?' The computer programmer says 'Well you see I'm a computer programmer and don't have much time for sex. But a talking frog is really neat.'

Two computer programmers were having a conversation at lunch and one begins telling the other a story, "Yesterday, as I was walking home through the park, a beautiful woman rode up to me on a bicycle, got off, took off all of her clothes and told me she wanted to give me whatever I wanted!"

"Wow...that's great! What did you do?", asks his friend.

"Well, I took the bicycle. I ended up getting home quite a bit earlier than usual."

"That's smart...the clothes probably wouldn't have fit you anyways."

A logician tells a colleague his wife just had a baby.

- Is it a boy or a girl?
- Yes.

... Get it? This one is a a little subtle, think of the proposition logic OR operator... ;)

K.I.L.E.R said:
A friend of mine has sent me this e-mail. :)

A logician tells a colleague his wife just had a baby.

- Is it a boy or a girl?
- Yes.

... Get it? This one is a a little subtle, think of the proposition logic OR operator... ;)


I believe that last one isn't a joke, it's an actual conversation with Wavey
Please explain.

Florin said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
A friend of mine has sent me this e-mail. :)

A logician tells a colleague his wife just had a baby.

- Is it a boy or a girl?
- Yes.

... Get it? This one is a a little subtle, think of the proposition logic OR operator... ;)


I believe that last one isn't a joke, it's an actual conversation with Wavey
Florin said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
A friend of mine has sent me this e-mail. :)

A logician tells a colleague his wife just had a baby.

- Is it a boy or a girl?
- Yes.

... Get it? This one is a a little subtle, think of the proposition logic OR operator... ;)


I believe that last one isn't a joke, it's an actual conversation with Wavey

Or digi...