Finished this campaign finally. thoughts:
Overall I didn't enjoy it much. Coming off destiny, the controls felt super archaic. Constantly struggled with the controls, cover, all of it.
Now some of this could be attributed to 2500 hours of Destiny hard wiring my brain to different controls. But overall I'm not prone to letting Gears off the hook that easy.
Enemies are also way way too bullet spongy. Guns mags are too small, AND the clunky reload mechanic makes it worse and more frustrating. You can either let the reload play out and wait an hour and a half to reoad your tiny mag, or try for the power reload, screw it up half the time and wait two hours. I could overall sum up the gameplay as "frustrating".
Grenade system is also a longtime super annoying debacle in this game. That's been the same since Gears 1.
Weapons are also terrible. All the so called power weapons are just annoying crap. Eventually I gave up on picking up any of them. The standard guns, while weak pea shooters due to bullet sponge enemies, were better than the supposed power guns. All of the power weapons had some terribly annoying, obtuse, method of operation, as well.
On the positive side, the visuals are fantastic. Not talked about among the best looking current gen games but it definitely is. Also lots of color, no more constant brown.
I also enjoyed the last segment which (spoilers) sees you piloting a giant mech.
On a down note though, there weren't really a lot of proper boss fights. The bosses weren't notable or creative and were too few.
The story was lightweight but much better than 2/3. At least it was just pleasant fluff not trying to be some super dark, serious novel.
I will say I know a guy who is deep into the online horde mode stuff. That's the stuff that has longevity these days.
Overall this series is archaic IMO. I dont know if it has a place going forward in a world of Destiny's, GTA's, and Overwatch's. I honestly feel the same about Sony's Uncharted/TLOU, but at least those are more approachable for the non male gamer, and you can pack them in millions of consoles and stuff if they dont sell by themselves. Phil likes this series, but I'm not sure if it's the right call.
The minute to minute gameplay is just not fun in a world with super smooth destiny gameplay. Maybe the theme, story and characters can continue, but IMO the controls need a overhaul.
Will I get hyped for the next one? Probably, but this series has passed it's time and I haven't honestly loved one in a long time. Now, if you can get into horde mode online, maybe it's a different story.