Gaming evolution


I don't know about all of you but i would say one the most interesting evolutions in video games would be the appearance of emulators. The ability to play their cartridge titles on their PCs must have had some affect on their thoughts on gaming.

what are your thought on emulation and its effects on the gaming community.
I don't know if I'd call that an evolution, but I was happy to no end when I was able to run the first Commodore 64 emulator on my Amiga.

I think preservation value of emulation is immense. There would be so many forgotten games today if it wasn't for the MAME project and other, less known emulators. Nostalgic value is another wonderful thing about it. I had so much fun re-experiencing the games I almost completely forgot about :)
it certainly kept retrogaming alive for me. After my C64 and atari stop functioning i was able to continue playing their games on my PC.
Legion said:
it certainly kept retrogaming alive for me. After my C64 and atari stop functioning i was able to continue playing their games on my PC.

Emulation is ok as long you own the originals (even in dead / broken state).
Yes, so you're screwed if..

A. Th' Feds..

B. A game developer/publisher/distributor

..breaks into your house and sees that you have emulated games without the original copies.

Oh, and you're only screwed if they actually care. Yes.. ;)
you mean legal? Yes that is the only way it is legal.

Of course, it's also legal if you use public domain games, or the games their publishers approved for free distribution (many C64 and Amiga games are)