Looking at the calendar dates, it seems that just about every major title on every next gen console is finally out, reviewed and played by gamers around the world as we speak.
With that said, 2007 has been one of the best years in terms of the amount of great titles that has come out, and I know it wont be easy for some but in your opinion which game will take the GotY award?
I choose not to nominate any specific title because I want to hear from others first(you guys might bring up some good points that'll change my mind )
With that said, 2007 has been one of the best years in terms of the amount of great titles that has come out, and I know it wont be easy for some but in your opinion which game will take the GotY award?
I choose not to nominate any specific title because I want to hear from others first(you guys might bring up some good points that'll change my mind )