Im a f.a.n.b.o.y because I asked for a player that supports wireless usb? You do realise what wireless usb is about right? Its way ahead of wifi and I wanted to be able to sync to my library of tunes not at 802.1b speeds but instead at USB 2.0 speeds.
Notice also, that I didnt say apples player or ipod. I said
A player. Doesnt matter who it is from.
Im dismissing all players that come out after the ipod, as they arent really next-gen. They are focusing on delievering features to grab at Apples Market share. Its marketshare that you need to guarentee your next product. You can have all the features underneath the sun in your product, but if they arent targetted correctly your product will just fall through.
Creative effort isnt next gen. What is next-gen about it. Oh they added a radio. Big deal, I can buy an addon for my ipod. Infact, I know around about 30 people who have either the video ipod or the nano. No-one has bought the radio addon, nor has the need for radio. They bought it in mind for the mp3 functionality primarily.
Explaining myself more, on the battery life issue. There is only so much time you can listen to music, where battery life becomes uninportant. Unless of course, its aimed at the frequency of charging the battery.
Yes, battery life is important to video. I would be foolish to say its not. However, there is a finite time where you can view video. Unless you commute on a train, on a plane, at the beach, near the pool. IOW somewhere where the T.V isnt readily available and you have some time to kill.
When it comes to Microsoft. Again, what is next-gen about it. Bigger screen, so what. Its not exactly full length is it? Wifi, I bet you are still going to need to use a cable to transfer songs and video. Otherwise it will be a lengthy wait.
About the other features of the Zune.
- Higher quality screen.
- Voice recorder.
Higher quality of screen, just how much higher is it? Not that much I am willing to bet.
Voice recorder, unless you are taking alot of notes. I doubt this will be used that much.
Maybe, just maybe if Creative had the insight to include something like much bigger screen or maybe a camera. They could have positioned it as an ipod beater. But its simply an ipod clone.
M$ is just another ipod clone.
If someone wants to take apples share and yes I want someone too, as then it forces Apple to be more competitve and lowers prices down across the board. Someone has to come out with better features and functionality and ease of use.
Not something that are in my opinion, useless features.
Remember, I already have an Ipod Video. For me to shell out £200 odd pounds on a next gen player. It really needs to be next-gen.
Maybe if Creative or Micrsoft actually came out with a player, made it stylish, better features than Apples offering and easy to use with seemless integration to the PC/Mac then they would make inroads.
Until then, they (zune and creative player) will be for people who know about PC's. Know about things like AVI, MPEG, WAV, OGG, and other codecs and have files in them and dont want to convert to MP4 or MP3 to view them.
Which sadly for everyone who has a different view point to me, the average joe (joe 6-pack)
doesnt have a clue about.
p.s fill in any blanks, i've had less than 6 hours of sleep since sunday.. blame it on new job where i have to commute, of i am less than coherient.