G71 = Rsx??

Bill said:

But dont you think the PERCEPTION of big numbers sells?

The perception of who has the most gigaflops and pixeldoohickeys will go a long way..even if the average buyer doesn't know what they mean..

Of course! I never said it doesn't, did i!!

My "joke" (and shifty and bluetsunami too, but i guess it's easier to attack me) was merely over the "pipes" thing you said.

Obviously though, as Xbox showed, big numbers don't sell enough when compared to other things like software. And they shouldn't.

There will always be people buying a console because it's the "most powerful", but thankfully it's not all about the hardware.
london-boy said:
My "joke" (and shifty and bluetsunami too, but i guess it's easier to attack me)\

Hhahaha...I noticed that, your usually the target of everyones aggressions :eek:
BlueTsunami said:
Hhahaha...I noticed that, your usually the target of everyones aggressions :eek:

Yeah i feel like everyone's punchbag. All this testosterone, released on ME!! That's just so....... kinda cool!! :LOL:
xbdestroya said:
Wow now that's a question I didn't expect! My opinion on this rumor, eh? Well, to be honest if it really did turn out to be 32 pipes, yeah I'd say that'd be better than I expected. Roughly 33% better! My main curiosity still lies with the level of possible Cell interaction, but I was wondering that while assuming 24 pipes; obviously wondering that while assuming 32 pipes would be a big step up for me. ;)

Hey 33% better is a great thing, let me tell you.

I found out yesterday that my bank balance was 33% higher than I thought!:!: :cool:

How many pipes does the 7800 have? Why did people believe the RSX was 24 pipes before this, did Sony and nVidia list it as such?
They assumed because RSX and g70 had some common architectual elements that numbers here and their would be equivalent...

boy was that a big assumption.
wco81 said:
I found out yesterday that my bank balance was 33% higher than I thought!

LOL, well that *is* nice! :)
How many pipes does the 7800 have? Why did people believe the RSX was 24 pipes before this, did Sony and nVidia list it as such?

The GTX/G70 indeed has 24 pipes, basically the reason people default to 24 in their assumptions for RSX. Also the numbers can be made to work at 550 MHz in reaching E3's stated ops numbers, with minor alteration. Though it seems daily people come up with new hardware config theories on how those numbers may have been reached.
DeanA said:
3rd? I know NaO and DeanoC are at Ninja Theory.. but wasn't aware of any other Ninjas on this board?

Sorry, edited the post, i got the impression you were from Ninja Theory but you obviously aren't. :D

So, welcome!!
A Dean from Cambridge. Must be a university chaplain...

Or is that from SCE Cambridge? Are they working on any PS3 titles? Any info you can share on the changes as a result of SCEA+SCEE+SCEJ=SCEW? In fact can you mention anything we haven't heard that isn't NDA'd?
London Boy said:
Sorry, edited the post, i got the impression you were from Ninja Theory but you obviously aren't
SCEE Cambridge and NT happen to share the same building. So NT boys get all the cool stuff before anyone else on PSdevnet :devilish:
BTW : Isn't Cambridge now the mostly highly represented city on this board? Isn't it like 4 people from there now? I almost joined them. Turned down a Cambridge University offer last year. Could'a been five...