G71 = Rsx??

Bill said:
Maybe INQ doesn't get the difference between pipes and ALU's.

That much seems pretty certain given this quote from Fuad:

When it comes to graphic performance, the RSX can process 24 pixels with its 24 pipelines while an Xbox 360 powered with ATI's Xenos, R500 chip can do no more no less than double, 48 pixels per clock.
Xenus said:
I figure it's just his own conjesture are you trying to say it does not nAo
I'm not trying to say anything at all..I'm just being curious. Since he 'can pretty much guarantee that', I wouldn't call his sentence as a conjecture ;)
nAo said:
I'm not trying to say anything at all..I'm just being curious. Since he 'can pretty much guarantee that', I wouldn't call his sentence as a conjecture ;)

Alright nAo enough with the games - it's 'confirm or deny' time! :p
xbdestroya said:
Alright nAo enough with the games - it's 'confirm or deny' time! :p
No, it's not time yet :cool:
Hopefully Hellbinder will give us an answer..
mckmas8808 said:
xbd is this better than expected or about what you expected from the RSX?

Wow now that's a question I didn't expect! My opinion on this rumor, eh? Well, to be honest if it really did turn out to be 32 pipes, yeah I'd say that'd be better than I expected. Roughly 33% better! My main curiosity still lies with the level of possible Cell interaction, but I was wondering that while assuming 24 pipes; obviously wondering that while assuming 32 pipes would be a big step up for me. ;)

But I'm not buying into this thing per se, I'm just not wholly discounting it either. nAo even posting on it on any level is too intriguing for me to ignore. It was really just harrasing nAo for info (knowing he wouldn't give any) that brought me back into this thread though, not any hope for 32 pipes or anything.
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32 pipes on RSX and the war is over. I start saving for a PS3.

If it's not RAM or bandwidth limited, anyway.
Bill said:
32 pipes on RSX and the war is over. I start saving for a PS3.

If it's not RAM or bandwidth limited, anyway.

... You start saving for a PS3 only after you know that it has.... 32 pipes?! :???:

And here i thought people's main reasons for buying consoles were the games... or the features...

So if it has 24 pipes but everything else stays the same, you won't buy it?
BTOA said:
Maybe a day or four before 11/22. :LOL:


Hell, I wouldn't put it past Sony. The console forum has been pretty stagnent latley though, thats why I want some more info to break...its depressing...
