Fuddo or Fiction presentation!

neliz said:
I like the part where it said (somewhere halfway trough) that nvidia had nTune and Ati didn't...

now.. I wonder why THAT is..
It's a program that enables you to dynamically change the settings of the motherboard in windows. Ati does not have that. Think a bit further than just the name 'ntune'.
HaLDoL said:
It's a program that enables you to dynamically change the settings of the motherboard in windows. Ati does not have that. Think a bit further than just the name 'ntune'.

Then they shouldn't say nTune (I know what it is though.. I kinda have a nForce mainboard) but something like dynamic online chipset parameter control...
neliz said:
Then they shouldn't say nTune (I know what it is though.. I kinda have a nForce mainboard) but something like dynamic online chipset parameter control...

Why? It is called branding effort. No company would not try to brand their products. Think of the iPod. Does apple go around say look at our slick MP3 player. No, they call it an iPod, and many people now refer to MP3 players genericly as iPods (any companies goal).
CMAN said:
Why? It is called branding effort. No company would not try to brand their products. Think of the iPod. Does apple go around say look at our slick MP3 player. No, they call it an iPod, and many people now refer to MP3 players genericly as iPods (any companies goal).

The problem is the ntune part is so out of place on that slide, why don't they just add the whole lot in there, purevideo, forceware, ultrashadow, cinefx and nVidia is the only company that has Jen-Hsun Huang as ceo..

btw, apple doesn't call it an mp3 player because it's not limited to mp3's, no one on earth would call it an AAC player..
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trinibwoy said:
It was all true I think but it still qualifies as fud. It certainly raises fear, uncertainty and doubt about ATi ability to execute on its next generation technologies. They seem quite confident though - so if they were to drop a bomb on us in the wake of all this negative hype it would be an even sweeter deal for them.

I certainly agree with Dig here...when nV attempts this kind of FUD it has exactly the opposite effect on me and fills me with Bravado, Certainty, and Faith as to just how good nV is afraid the upcoming product line from ATi is going to be...;)

The simple truth is that if your product is demonstrably better than the other guy's you usually don't have to say very much at all since the product sells itself.
WaltC said:
I certainly agree with Dig here...when nV attempts this kind of FUD it has exactly the opposite effect on me and fills me with Bravado, Certainty, and Faith as to just how good nV is afraid the upcoming product line from ATi is going to be...

I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Everything that Nvidia or ATi does fills you with BCF in ATi's products. :LOL:
WaltC said:
I certainly agree with Dig here...when nV attempts this kind of FUD it has exactly the opposite effect on me and fills me with Bravado, Certainty, and Faith as to just how good nV is afraid the upcoming product line from ATi is going to be...;)

The simple truth is that if your product is demonstrably better than the other guy's you usually don't have to say very much at all since the product sells itself.

So you think Crossfire will bury SLI? (because no where in there do they talk about R520)