I think they are from something that you could call 'in-between', which is AutoVista mode. This allows you to investigate the car in detail (get in the car, open the trunk, pop the hood, etc.), while the car is parked in a garage. The graphics are still realtime, but all resources just go into rendering the car as nicely as possible. The previous 360 version of Forza supported AutoVista mode for some 20-30 cars I think (out of, what, 430 cars in total?).
Ah ! So an even more controlled environment than the photomode, in the sense that it is inside a garage. You can't see this detailed cars by pausing mid-race and taking a pic? That explains the mighty details. Good for drooling and seeing whats possible on the hardware.
and no weather? thats a bummer
So, they are focusing solely on great looking cars and sacrificing other stuff for it ! I would rather they go for an overall good image than just focus on cars, cos while racing, my eyes are fixed on the track ! NFS Hot Pursuit had some really cool weather effects and they made the races during thunderstorms so much more exciting ! :smile: