Forza 5 [XO] *large pics inside*

Not really, looks like it was ripped from Skyrim. Look at the texture tiling on the snow going up the peak.

tiled textures, empty scene ,poly edges and a clealry discernable skybox image at the back. you can even see geometry planes at the back with tree textures. They are either missing their alpha or they won't be visible while racing. The lens flare is tying the whole image together, remove that and the defects will be even more clear. The only thing good about this image is the soft AO, lack of jaggies and crisp shadows. Since TOD is fixed, the AO and shadows might just be baked into the lightmap, hence so crisp and maybe thats why they didn't affect the car at all.

Not really the best shot to praise the game. There are definitely better. The autovista shots are where it looks absolutely next gen, this is not its best showing at all. The art direction is very good and the lighting also looks good. I think they just decided to focus on stellar car models for this one.
Edit: or maybe most of the juice is being spent on physics we aren't aware of, yet. Just saying.
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I think this game just suffer from a case of been extremely rush,that video showing both versions running,wow some part actually look better on Forza 4,i think MS set a ridiculous time frame for this game considering that last year there was also another forza game release.

This game will probably hurt more the series than help it,it need at least 6 more months.
Calling this a upscaled Forza 4 is just ludicrous considering the modeling, texture, dynamic events, new physics engine, new sound engine, new lighting engine and of course all autovista cars on track.

Seriously,stop drinking the cool aid. "New" physics? "new" sound engine? Ya ok, I'm sure they just scrapped everything they have built over the last decade. Yes of course there's better lighting, better textures and higher resolution, but that's not enough to push it into true jaw dropping territory. It looks like what it is.

Is this a joke?

How can you honestly compare dynamic day/night and weather with a couple Kinect features? :rolleyes:

It's about focus and priorities really. At the end of the day, it's been 8 years since the first Forza and these features are long overdue. It's reasonable that fans would expect them to be there finally on the next-gen systems.
So they started Sep, 2011. That really is dissapointing if they had a full 2 year dev cycle and only produced this level of improvement. But I'm withholding final judgement till I play it myself...

But only a few months with final hardware and probably still not 'final' drivers
Not really, looks like it was ripped from Skyrim. Look at the texture tiling on the snow going up the peak.

Who's going to notice that when going forward on the track? You'll only notice that if you're going backwards and at very slow speed.;)

tiled textures, empty scene ,poly edges and a clealry discernable skybox image at the back. you can even see geometry planes at the back with tree textures. They are either missing their alpha or they won't be visible while racing. The lens flare is tying the whole image together, remove that and the defects will be even more clear. The only thing good about this image is the soft AO, lack of jaggies and crisp shadows. Since TOD is fixed, the AO and shadows might just be baked into the lightmap, hence so crisp and maybe thats why they didn't affect the car at all.

Not really the best shot to praise the game. There are definitely better. The autovista shots are where it looks absolutely next gen, this is not its best showing at all. The art direction is very good and the lighting also looks good. I think they just decided to focus on stellar car models for this one.
Edit: or maybe most of the juice is being spent on physics we aren't aware of, yet. Just saying.

I think you're trying too hard...
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Dynamic weather actually doesn't even make it into their top 10 most requested features / enhancements. You'd be surprise how many people play Forza just to paint for example. I've spent quite a bit of time with lots of simulators, including those with dynamic weather, and while it can look cool at times (when it's not a pixelated disaster), it certainly doesn't do anything to enhance the actual "racing". Not sure why that has become the benchmark for "next-gen" all of a sudden. Improving the sounds (which IMO is already best in class), new racing modes, custom game-types, new livery-features, more tracks/cars, wheel support, rally, tuning and damage all rate higher than weather in the past forum polls I've seen on
Dynamic weather actually doesn't even make it into their top 10 most requested features / enhancements. You'd be surprise how many people play Forza just to paint for example. I've spent quite a bit of time with lots of simulators, including those with dynamic weather, and while it can look cool at times (when it's not a pixelated disaster), it certainly doesn't do anything to enhance the actual "racing". Not sure why that has become the benchmark for "next-gen" all of a sudden. Improving the sounds (which IMO is already best in class), new racing modes, custom game-types, new livery-features, more tracks/cars, wheel support, rally, tuning and damage all rate higher than weather in the past forum polls I've seen on

Dynamic weather did a world of a difference to me.
Who's going to notice that when going forward on the track? You'll only notice that if you're going backwards and at very slow speed.;)

Wait, so first the texture is amazing and now its whos going to notice it anyway? Which is it?

It certainly doesn't do anything to enhance the actual "racing". Not sure why that has become the benchmark for "next-gen" all of a sudden.

Well what is Forza trying to be then? An arcade racer with licensed cars and tracks? In racing games I have played with dynamic weather it totally changes the race/tire strategy especially when you are playing with others. Why not have have it when its a critical part of every day racing?

Forza is after all trying to achieve install base and sales parity with that "other" big name console racing franchise so why not have it as another feature on the checklist?
Dynamic weather actually doesn't even make it into their top 10 most requested features / enhancements. You'd be surprise how many people play Forza just to paint for example. I've spent quite a bit of time with lots of simulators, including those with dynamic weather, and while it can look cool at times (when it's not a pixelated disaster), it certainly doesn't do anything to enhance the actual "racing". Not sure why that has become the benchmark for "next-gen" all of a sudden. Improving the sounds (which IMO is already best in class), new racing modes, custom game-types, new livery-features, more tracks/cars, wheel support, rally, tuning and damage all rate higher than weather in the past forum polls I've seen on
What?! This is a racing sim, not an arcade racer. Weather is a fairly important dynamic to racing sim fans, as is night racing. It completely changes your strategy (using the appropriate tires) and the gameplay (visibility, traction etc.).

Yes that is what they claim,which should like always be take with a grain of salt,they will never admit a game to be rush.

In other words, because games have to be submitted to Microsoft testing, certified, and then pressed onto discs and shipped, Forza 5 has to be done much, much sooner than November. By requiring part of the game as a download on launch day, it gives Turn 10 extra time to finish everything. And so what you get on the disc you buy at the store won’t be the entire game.

If the game wasn't rush it would be finish in time rather than having part of the game been deliver to you on day 1 download.
Actually F5's biggest sore spot is the unevenness of verisimilitude: the cars and (asphalt) tracks look great, but the periphery scenery... occasionally not so much, and the fancy stuff really lacking.

Things that could have helped quite a bit: track-based particle debris, atmospheric scattering (real/faked), tweaked lighting in cockpit view (which I find detailed but unrealistic), better trees/leaves, weather effects (*PGR4* had it!)... just a few to come off my mind. Currently it looks slightly like a rough cut of a film in a post pipeline :LOL:
it certainly doesn't do anything to enhance the actual "racing".

Of course it does. Having variable weather, is akin to having a whole new variation on the core physics of the game. It add immense variety / fun-factor to the act of racing itself.

Rally support is definitely long overdue as well...
If the game wasn't rush it would be finish in time rather than having part of the game been deliver to you on day 1 download.
No, you never 'finish' an artistic creation. You just decide to stop at some point. You can always add more. When the original design for F5 was finished, lets say that was completed 6 months ago, they'd look at adding improvements, features that they originally dropped, looking for enhancements, etc. You won't find any computer game finished months before release. They are always being worked on right up until the final days, and then even after thanks to post-release patching. Forza 5 has been in development for two years according to the developers, and not thrown together in the last year in a mad rush (what would Turn 10 have been working on between Forza 4 release and F5 if not F5??). There's no way lack of time will account for any shortcomings in hardware utilisation. Lack of final hardware, or driver issues, and the ilk could be holding the game back, but not lack of time to work on it.
Dynamic weather did a world of a difference to me.

Perfectly qualified. Thanks for that! And I'm sure there are lots of people who agree with you, as evidenced by others comments here. Just pointing out that among the games' current community, it may not be as important to them; and by extension T10.

Personally the last thing I want is changing track conditions, and getting pulled off the road by puddles, since my focus is making good turns and hence lap times. Looks like F5 will make us contend with variations in traction not only on different surface types but also with available grip when you stray off the extra rubber afforded on the racing line. Interesting the same people who dislike the bloom because of the visibility issues it creates, (which I agree with btw), want night racing which does the same but is a more "proper or realistic" challenge?
What?! This is a racing sim, not an arcade racer. Weather is a fairly important dynamic to racing sim fans, as is night racing. It completely changes your strategy (using the appropriate tires) and the gameplay (visibility, traction etc.).
Night racing is something I miss from the original Forza on the original Xbox. :/ Weather is also a perfect addition if they can implement it properly. And if it is dynamic all the better.

What Rockster says is interesting though. They have alternate times of day in some FM4's tracks.

But it is important to realise that variable weather changes the way people are going to play the game and it is going to affect lap times profoundly. And if the weather is dynamic then this is going to have a deeper effect on lap times.

The only way for this to work correctly is if T10 saves the lap times and splits the database and the lap times depending on the weather when a certain time was registered. Like in real life, there are drivers who would make to the top in dry conditions but have a hard time adapting to a track in rain conditions.

I am certainly disappointed by the lack of weather and such, but it is a launch game and you must understand T10 too. This was their official statement for Forza 4 on this very matter.

For Forza 4, the majority of our graphical investment went into our new image-based lighting (IBL) model, as well as new material shaders, which give our cars and tracks such a realistic, detailed look. With IBL, supporting the general look of night is not particularly hard. However, we take frame rate pretty seriously—we believe that having a solid 60 frames per second (FPS) experience with no tearing is very important for a simulation racing game.

Delivering night is about more than just getting the general look right. As we found on the original Forza Motorsport, having multiple headlight projections with multiple cast shadows is computationally heavy—even using clever tricks like we did on the less powerful original Xbox platform. This makes delivering a strong night racing experience very difficult at 60 FPS without significant compromise.

Regarding weather conditions, we do simulate different track temperatures. However, we did not get tire data for wet conditions from our tire partners at Pirelli. We do have SAE data about wet conditions, but it’s nowhere near as comprehensive as our Pirelli data. In order to simulate wet correctly, we’d like to get custom real-world test data to input into our system. Of course, physics isn’t the only difficult aspect of delivering wet conditions. Creating believable weather effects also depends upon gobs of particles and lots of shiny, reflective surfaces. There are several tricks for doing this, but it would still have made delivering the new graphical fidelity of FM4 at a solid 60 FPS nearly impossible in our development timeframe.

If we cut down on the number of cars on track, used original Xbox-generation car models, dropped to 30 FPS, or (and this would be the most effective solution) built specific tracks from the ground-up to have less detail and thus extra performance headroom, then night racing and/or weather conditions may have been possible. Some of those trade-offs, we just were not willing to do. Others would require time that we used to develop other features in the game—specifically, the new graphical look of the game in general. Night and weather are features we will continue to evaluate as the franchise continues. We’re waiting for the right time to deliver these features to our fans.