Unfinished game blah blah blah. I understand it is in development and the title may not be feature or content complete (better damn well be close in late Sept. with a Nov. launch). But if you and others can praise the game why cannot it have some criticism?
What you need to understand this is a $500 console -- more expensive than the 360 at launch -- and 9 years later. The HW should be allowing some kick ass software. Seeing as T10 had a complete and robust engine plus HD foundation to work from, plus a multi year dev cycle on hardware simple to target for in 2010, gamers and prospective consumers can set their own bar for what is compelling. IMO The console cost and time lag should allow for new immersive experiences henceforth never seen and/or a large leap in graphics. I ain't seeing it.
Reusing assets doesn't mean they are not updated or altered. And reusing assets doesn't mean (1) there are not new assets and (2) there are not significant changes. Suggesting that there are changes doesn't mean there isn't significant asset reuse. I bet T10 is not recreating every car, every texture, and every course from scratch. If they claim they are they are liars.
And to prove how silly the counterpoint is, that changes in assets disproves my statement, look at this Ryse shot. Same game. Still in development. Yet the developer has radically changed the assets:
FM4 is not much improved in those areas. Incrimental with areas it is no better.
And significantly I have a long post detailing the host of issues FM5 needed to address long before the title was announced. They address basically NONE of them. What they did do is uprez some textures and improve render quality when the game needs a significant reworking of the graphics engine.
I am not saying FM5 is a bad looking game. It obviously looks better. As a long time Forza fan (I have 3 copies FM2, 2 copies FM3, and 3 copies FM4) they failed to address not just key visual issues but also failed to expand the great gameplay in the areas it is weak (T10 has a nice habit of toting the MS company line for whatever tarty platform feature MS wants to promote that is destined to fail.) Forza 5 looks like Forza 4.5 or a "Forza HD". They added some new content (removed others), and added/tweaked content. But it looks to be essentially the same core game and experience. A jaded race fan would say this is true of all racing games. For my mileage FM2,3, and 4 made substantial changes. As FM5 is on new, much better HW, I expect the same or greater leap. Agree to disagree, but I don't see it.