The F1 prerace show on YouTube had a word with Gunther Steiner. He basically said that because of lack of money they haven’t developed this year’s car, and they’re not necessarily looking for a fast driver in the short term. The worse they do (next year, I think), the more aero they’ll be allowed in 2022 (with the true next car). Not sure how much worse they can do given the engine power loss and total lack of development (neither really their fault) and the poor car they’re starting with (their “fault,” ignoring budget), so they may not need to go out of their way to find a slow driver, but it sounds like they’ll get at least one pay driver for a year. I don’t how much a driver can help develop the 2022 car on track next year, and they almost certainly have a dedicated sim/reserve driver (like everyone else), so maybe they’ll replace both?
Just to be clear, the lower you finish the more aero development time you are allowed. So if they really don't have any budget that might not help them that much.
Anyway this and next year will be a lost cause for the Ferrari teams so I can understand a Haas or Alfa spending as little as they can get away with.