Five kittens with closed eyes!

I hope you pucrhased a special milk for kittends from a vet otherwise if you give them just any milk they will die
mito said:
where's the mom?
they ain't got none! :O actually, of course she was just absent when they were found... so it seems we'll never know. :/

MuFu said:
This is the impression I have of Chinese cuisine, having eaten in a couple of reportedly excellent restaurants on the mainland. Just seems a bit bland when you're used to the Malaysian/Singaporean school of Chinese cooking with it's Indian, Thai and western influences.

Well, you've no doubt noticed then, that even mainland Chinese cuisine comes in a wide variety of ethnicities (and flavors). Although you may hear that the greater "Han" population of China is famous for emphasizing their sameness, one place they definitely diverge is food! Well, to be clear, I think I agree with the general gist of your statement -- but let me make it clear that Shanghainese food may be a lot of things (doggedly unsubtle for example?), but bland isn't one of them! ;) but yeah, not having had experience in other parts of China or even Asia, I can only liken most of the cheap food ere to cheap food back home -- both are made to the specifications of the lowest common denominator. Find that magic restaurant in a poorer neighborhood, though, and the results are stunning -- vibrant meals, with leftovers, for two people can cost $3 US.or if you eat as my friends do, with leftovers might cost $4. ;) Trips to fancier restos can be worth it from time to time, but are more often disappointing -- in SH you can easily pay 10 times as much, and still get food that is only "characteristic" and uninspired, but not actually more delicious (nicer ambience, though, if you like hotels and that sort of crap). From my brief experience transcribing Chinese cookbooks, I've noticed an unusual emphasis on "characteristics" -- as if each recipe were a golden path to be followed to the last shining brick. Many recipes are rather simplistic and blunt, doing a good job of capturing the essence of one ingredient (and China does have some awesome produce), but lacking any insight or provocative subtleties. Suffice to say, in the best restaurants they are not using cookbooks. ^^;;;

ps - wow, can you tell you've hit upon one of my favorite subjects? ^^

Nesh said:
I hope you pucrhased a special milk for kittends from a vet otherwise if you give them just any milk they will die

thanks for the heads up but they've already been to the vet, gotten a clean(ish) bill of health, kitten formula, and some worm medication just in case. ;)
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poopypoo said:
ps - wow, can you tell you've hit upon one of my favorite subjects? ^^

Heh, just a bit. In Malaysia it's the same - always going to some crappy little shack under a freeway, just because they happen to do the best fried noodles in KL.

In China we went to Mongolia and ate some real weird shit - cremated sparrow, BBQ'd goat and drink made from fermented ferns. It was reasonably palatable, just a bit plain and chewy. :LOL:

Best food we had was home cooked (I've got family on Hainan). Can't remember Shanghai, TBH - it was a few years ago and I think we were only there for a day.
omg... bottle feeding every two hours... process takes an hour... so tired... I feel like crying lol.

oh but hey! :D future pic updates will be at , and maybe i'll post some more here when they get a bit older or somethin. ;)
Some very cute kittens. Shame no black ones, with green or blue eyes >< very awww

Please tell me you have heard of echidnas before KILER.