Firefox vs. Opera?

Which is better?

  • No, Opera is better

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • IE all the way, baby

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Althornin said:
what opera loving fannish horseshit.

I mean, at least make an effort not to be a giant fan whore, ok?

Thank you for your mature, constructive and well reasoned contribution to this thread, troll.
L233 said:
Althornin said:
what opera loving fannish horseshit.

I mean, at least make an effort not to be a giant fan whore, ok?

Thank you for your mature, constructive and well reasoned contribution to this thread, troll.
Pot, Kettle, Black.
radeonic2 said:
I dont have any popup windows sir, what is a popup? I haven't gotton one of those in a long time, besides those lame ones that open a tiny instance(not window) on the page.
Sigh. Go to any web site (game sites, whatever) that, say, have screenshots that open the image in a new window when you click on the thumbnail. Firefox will not open the pop-up as a new tab, it opens another browser window!

I am not talking about pop-up ads, I am talking about REQUESTED pop-up windows.

How does FF not allow to compare them side by side, like when comparing screen shots, I open the 2(or more) in seperate tabs, then switch them by clicking on them? How is that on comparing them side by side?
I am not talkling about switching back and forth between two tabs, I am talking about arraging two documents next to each other... so you can look at them at the same time.
L233 said:
radeonic2 said:
I dont have any popup windows sir, what is a popup? I haven't gotton one of those in a long time, besides those lame ones that open a tiny instance(not window) on the page.
Sigh. Go to any web site (game sites, whatever) that, say, have screenshots that open the image in a new window when you click on the thumbnail. Firefox will not open the pop-up as a new tab, it opens another browser window!

I am not talking about pop-up ads, I am talking about REQUESTED pop-up windows.

How does FF not allow to compare them side by side, like when comparing screen shots, I open the 2(or more) in seperate tabs, then switch them by clicking on them? How is that on comparing them side by side?
I am not talkling about switching back and forth between two tabs, I am talking about arraging two documents next to each other... so you can look at them at the same time.
You can change what it does when left clicking on links :LOL: :rolleyes:
That's worthess for sshots, since the image would be too small to compare differances between the two.
radeonic2 said:
You can change what it does when left clicking on links :LOL: :rolleyes:
What does that have to do with anything?

That's worthess for sshots, since the image would be too small to compare differances between the two.
Look, it was an example. Ever done research on the net for university etc.? Can't you see the usefulness of having documents displayed next to each other instead of having to switch back and forth between them?
L233 said:
radeonic2 said:
You can change what it does when left clicking on links :LOL: :rolleyes:
What does that have to do with anything?

That's worthess for sshots, since the image would be too small to compare differances between the two.
Look, it was an example. Ever done research on the net for university etc.? Can't you see the usefulness of having documents displayed next to each other instead of having to switch back and forth between them?
It has everything to do with anything- you can change the behavior of the browser, so you open everything in tabs, instead of windows, via tab prefs:D
No I haven't, uni's scare me, and I dont see the usefullness of displaying two docs, since it would make it hard to read, and if I increased font size, even less of the document would be visable- PITA.
radeonic2 said:
It has everything to do with anything- you can change the behavior of the browser, so you open everything in tabs, instead of windows, via tab prefs:D
The only way to do this is by resizing the pop-up to full screen. So now your tiny navigational pop up takes the whole frigging screen. Great. Your screenshot popup takes the whole screen. It's a hack, nothing more.

No I haven't, uni's scare me, and I dont see the usefullness of displaying two docs, since it would make it hard to read, and if I increased font size, even less of the document would be visable- PITA.
Since when do fonts get smaller when you resize the document window?
L233 said:
radeonic2 said:
It has everything to do with anything- you can change the behavior of the browser, so you open everything in tabs, instead of windows, via tab prefs:D
The only way to do this is by resizing the pop-up to full screen. So now your tiny navigational pop up takes the whole frigging screen. Great. Your screenshot popup takes the whole screen. It's a hack, nothing more.

No I haven't, uni's scare me, and I dont see the usefullness of displaying two docs, since it would make it hard to read, and if I increased font size, even less of the document would be visable- PITA.
Since when do fonts get smaller when you resize the document window?
You mean java popups? Don't see too many of those?
radeonic2 said:
You mean java popups? Don't see too many of those?

Ok, try this:

Click on a screenshot. Depending on how you configured TBP, the screenshot will either open in a new browser window that has the correct size or it will be opened as a maximized tab. It's not possible to open the pop-up window as a tab while retaining the correct size.
L233 said:
radeonic2 said:
You mean java popups? Don't see too many of those?

Ok, try this:

Click on a screenshot. Depending on how you configured TBP, the screenshot will either open in a new browser window that has the correct size or it will be opened as a maximized tab. It's not possible to open the pop-up window as a tab while retaining the correct size.
OK, I see it opens them in tabs, I don't see the purpose of doing it though, since it opens popups in the same tab if you select another one.
You can configure TBP to open them in seperate tabs, I don't see how to do that in opera :?:
radeonic2 said:
OK, I see it opens them in tabs, I don't see the purpose of doing it though, since it opens popups in the same tab if you select another one.
You can configure TBP to open them in seperate tabs, I don't see how to do that in opera :?:

Yes, Opera can't force new pop-up windows if the web site wants to use the same pop-up window. This would be a nice feature but it currently works as intended by the web designer.

With TBP it's not really a feature, it's yet another bug/inconsistency because you can't switch it off if you want to open pop-ups in a new tab. It works fine if you open pop-ups in a new window but not if you open pop-ups in a new tab.

If you open pop-ups in a tab, it will ALWAYS open a new tab and never use the already open one, no matter what. So basically, if you set TBP to open pop-ups in a tab it's not only always maximized, it also never works as intended by the web designer.
L233 said:
radeonic2 said:
OK, I see it opens them in tabs, I don't see the purpose of doing it though, since it opens popups in the same tab if you select another one.
You can configure TBP to open them in seperate tabs, I don't see how to do that in opera :?:

Yes, Opera can't force new pop-up windows if the web site wants to use the same pop-up window. This would be a nice feature but it currently works as intended by the web designer.

With TBP it's not really a feature, it's yet another bug/inconsistency because you can't switch it off if you want to open pop-ups in a new tab. It works fine if you open pop-ups in a new window but not if you open pop-ups in a new tab.

If you open pop-ups in a tab, it will ALWAYS open a new tab and never use the already open one, no matter what. So basically, if you set TBP to open pop-ups in a tab it's not only always maximized, it also never works as intended by the web designer.
How is that a bug? Be default it opens in a window?
I set it to open in a tab instead of window, you're a very stange person if you think setting a pluggin to do something, and it DOES is a bug or inconsistancy.
Opening popups in seperate tabs is bad? If it couldn't, I would have a bunch of windows open instead of 1 :rolleyes:
radeonic2 said:
How is that a bug? Be default it opens in a window?
I set it to open in a tab instead of window, you're a very stange person if you think setting a pluggin to do something, and it DOES is a bug or inconsistancy.
Opening popups in seperate tabs is bad? If it couldn't, I would have a bunch of windows open instead of 1 :rolleyes:

I have explained it. I'll try again.

The NORMAL behaviour would be that the pop-up opens in a new tab and if you open another pop-up from that page, it would display the content (in this case the screenshot) in the same pop-up window that was opened before.

It would be a FEATURE if you had the choice between the NORMAL behaviour and forcing the browser to open an entirely NEW tab.

The thing is, you do NOT have the choice. You cannot have NORMAL behaviour if you set TBP to open pop-ups in tabs, only if you set them to open pop-ups in new windows (which kinda defeats the idea of having tabs in the first place). This is an inconsistency. Things work differently when using tabs than they do when using seperate windows.

Firefox cannot handle resizing tabs. It's simply not possible unless the way Firefox handles tabs gets completely revamped. It is the same issue makes it impossible to tile or cascade tabbed documents and it all boils down to one big shortcoming of FF: no MDI. This one issue causes UI inconsistencies all over the place - things just don't work as expected or in a quirky manner. It's also the reason why you need extensions for every tiny little thingy and why extensions that fundamentally try to change the way tabs work, like TBE, couse loads of conflicts with other extensions.

FF is a SDI browser that tries hard to act like a MDI application and fails miserably. I really wonder why they screwed up that one. They managed to make a rather lean, stable browser with a solid plug-in/extension mechnism but their implementation of tabbed browsing is utterly amateurish. Even some free IE front-ends do a better job at that.

After the TBE debacle the FF devs hinted that they might have a close look at the functionality and might try to implement some of it in the future. So maybe we will see change of direction in the developement of FF, away from the strange idea of offering a completely stipped down empty shell of a browser in which even the tiniest bit of UI ergonomics has to be retrofitted by 3rd party extensions.

If that happens, I might take another look at FF. As it stands now, it simply doesn't serve my needs.
L233 said:
radeonic2 said:
How is that a bug? Be default it opens in a window?
I set it to open in a tab instead of window, you're a very stange person if you think setting a pluggin to do something, and it DOES is a bug or inconsistancy.
Opening popups in seperate tabs is bad? If it couldn't, I would have a bunch of windows open instead of 1 :rolleyes:

I have explained it. I'll try again.

The NORMAL behaviour would be that the pop-up opens in a new tab and if you open another pop-up from that page, it would display the content (in this case the screenshot) in the same pop-up window that was opened before.

It would be a FEATURE if you had the choice between the NORMAL behaviour and forcing the browser to open an entirely NEW tab.

The thing is, you do NOT have the choice. You cannot have NORMAL behaviour if you set TBP to open pop-ups in tabs, only if you set them to open pop-ups in new windows (which kinda defeats the idea of having tabs in the first place). This is an inconsistency. Things work differently when using tabs than they do when using seperate windows.

Firefox cannot handle resizing tabs. It's simply not possible unless the way Firefox handles tabs gets completely revamped. It is the same issue makes it impossible to tile or cascade tabbed documents and it all boils down to one big shortcoming of FF: no MDI. This one issue causes UI inconsistencies all over the place - things just don't work as expected or in a quirky manner. It's also the reason why you need extensions for every tiny little thingy and why extensions that fundamentally try to change the way tabs work, like TBE, couse loads of conflicts with other extensions.

FF is a SDI browser that tries hard to act like a MDI application and fails miserably. I really wonder why they screwed up that one. They managed to make a rather lean, stable browser with a solid plug-in/extension mechnism but their implementation of tabbed browsing is utterly amateurish. Even some free IE front-ends do a better job at that.

After the TBE debacle the FF devs hinted that they might have a close look at the functionality and might try to implement some of it in the future. So maybe we will see change of direction in the developement of FF, away from the strange idea of offering a completely stipped down empty shell of a browser in which even the tiniest bit of UI ergonomics has to be retrofitted by 3rd party extensions.

If that happens, I might take another look at FF. As it stands now, it simply doesn't serve my needs.
Meh, I like it opening popups in different tabs, I always hated not being to compare sshots via tabs.
Don't really care about anything else in the post 8)
geeeeeez.....i havent seen this even in Nv<>ATi or Intel<>AMD topics.....
WTF is with you and Opera?..... :rolleyes:

Opera 7.x came out over 2 years didnt bite IE a bit.
FF 1.0 is out 3 months and did what was thought impossible....i guess all those that switched from IE are just idiots....or....they dont like Opera as alternative to IE?
Firefox got some very big, very public boosts a few months ago when it first came out. I remember when the Feds first recommended against using IE almost every story in the major press finished the "use another browser" part of it with "such as Firefox, a new browser based on Mozilla technology, from the developers of Netscape".

If you're trying to say that market share=quality of product, doesn't that make IE the best browser, bar none? Or Apple iPod the best MP3 player, bar none?

I think you're ignoring the role marketing plays in a product's success.
no, what i am saying is that Opera failed in that depertment..simple.
now we have FF<>Opera flame fest here, which is totally idiotic IMO.

truth is that something had to be done WRT IE and security, and offcourse those devs that dont give a rats ass about standards and code sites for "IE only".

once again, Opera failed there, but with all the coverage FF is getting and IE finally after so many years going under 90% share, we might see things changing.

it is well known how many people get infected via IE. just last weekend i had friends laptop here, he was complaining that it works "slowly"....
3 trojans... 1 VB virus and 400+ spyware related problems.....
_ALL_ viruses were located in IE's cache...

so, yes, i consider the fact that IE is dropping down very important.
Opera might be better for some...good, enjoy it....leave us, who like FF, to enjoy it also....
more people switching to _ANY_ alternative browser (which isnt just redesigned IE, but uses different engine) is good.

BTW :: only thing i ever encountered abusing extension instalation for FF was some sites _TRYING_ to install...IE hijacker thru Firefox, which i find really amusing :LOL:
L233 said:
Althornin said:
what opera loving fannish horseshit.

I mean, at least make an effort not to be a giant fan whore, ok?

Thank you for your mature, constructive and well reasoned contribution to this thread, troll.
Ah, lol - nice way to ignore those exact parts of my post that you claim they lack by selective quoting, you Opera loving fanboi.
Now answer the meat of the issue - why do you Opera fanatics feel the need to "circle the wagons"?

All i can see is a misplaced attempt to justify the money you've spend.
Maybe the attitude of Opera fans keeps people away?

Note - the above selective quoting and ignoring of the real message is typical of Opera fanboys when confronted with the reality of what they are doing.
Althornin said:
Note - the above selective quoting and ignoring of the real message is typical of Opera fanboys when confronted with the reality of what they are doing.

isnt that like trademark of all fanbois?....
Opera is great, I even bought it. Firefox is almost as good, although I like Opera's layout better.

Firefox is free, so that's the only serious advantage --> fiorefox wins.


Even when I set "open link in a new tab" in FF it still opens it in a separate window. That's a bug, I guess.