The most important thing is a flexible, customizable UI. Firefox doesn't have that. And yeah, why no built-in mouse gestures, I consider that basic functionality, too. Opera has all that packed up in a 3.5mb package - smaller than Firefox.radeonic2 said:Hours? Try seconds![]()
FF has basic functionality built in, perhaps you want mouse gestures built in?
I said it FEELS snappier. There are things about the look and feel of applications that cannot be measured in milliseconds.How could it be snappier than FF, nothing slows down FF, cept when you use all your memory up when viewing extremely image heavy pages.
Besides, the UI of Firefox simply sucks. If you want to open a new tab you either have to press CTRL-T, go through the dropdown menu or double click on the tab bar - but there is no tab bar until you open a second tab. I wonder who is the moron who designed that system.
Why doesn't FF have a flexible password management like Opera? Why doesn't it have the rewind button? Why isn't important functionality directly accessible from the drop down menues instead of having to go through the options? Where is the auto-reload feature? Where is the icon that opens me a new, empty tab? Where is the zoom option? And why doesn't FF save the opened tabs when I close the browser so I can continue where I was next time I start the browser - that's a big one for me?
I don't know about you but when I use the internet I look at the page's content and not the upper right corner of the browser where the ad banner is placed.The ad banner IS instrusive, why would anyone want to stare at an ad while they browse?
Like what?and I dont even like the pay version of opera because it's missing the uber extentions FF has
That hasn't been my experience. I am still looking for a simple extension that lets me move the fucking tab bar to the bottom of the browser window. Oh, I am sure there is one but I can't find it because of the crappy functionality descriptions of the may not have all the built in functionality you want, but atleast if you can think of something it doesn't have, you can find an extention in seconds.
You have to INSTALL most extension if you want to know what exactly they do because desciptions like "Enables enhanced control for tabbed browsing" or "Select actions for clicking events on a tab or the tabbar" doesn't tell you anything.
"Seconds" my ass.
Opera has had an pop-up blocker long before there even WAS Firefox. It even has a blocker for flash scripts. That takes care of the most annoying ads.If they have a good adblocker, it would be alot better, because you seriously can't come across many pages without ads.
I don't belive in filtering banner ads because many web sites depend on the revenue generated from them. Filtering them would be parasitic. I find it questioable that a browser comes with functionlity that actively sabotages the financing of free services. Just imagine if FF had a 80% market share... and you'd see a lot of free services die.
As long as Firefox doesn't have an acceptable UI and just sucks donkey balls when it comes to usability and UI ergonomics. It's inferior to everything except plain-vanilla IE. Hell, there are even free IE front-ends like Avant Browser or MYIE2 that are so much better than Firefox. Firefox has still a lot of growing up to do in the UI department. It's barely usable as it is now.The optimal browsing solution should be FF for browsing regular pages, and opera for browsing image heavy pages.
It's far from the"optimal browsing solution". Migrating from Opera to Firefox would be serious downgrade.