Fifa 2007 Head Shots/Player shots

Fifa also has headshots now? Damn this GTA generation.


(Edit: the skin shader looks good by the way!)
Oh god that freaked the hell out of me! Especially the Rooney shot!!

If they can keep that detail in game i'll be surprised. That's probably the highest LOD though, far away players will have a lot less detail than that.
I'm with Cliffy B on this one, you put all that detail into the faces on a soccer (football) game, only to be zoomed out so far that it becomes moot. Lets put that energy into animation and physics...oh, and gameplay. I mean aren't ALL of the players far away

Oh i agree wholeheartedly. I'm the animation yay kind of guy around here, and i totally agree.:D
Those characters are securely in the unnatural valley. Their eyes don't blend in, their skin in blochy, their musculature lumpy, their complexion pasty. In short, they are zombies, or at the very least vampires.