FFXI - are there demos available?

Well, I think a big problem with veteran MMORPGers is that nothing will compare to the first experience. Pretty much everyone I know that began with UO, EQ or AC all think that anything that's been released later has been boring after a month or so. I've either beta tested or bought pretty much every mmorpg that's been released (FFXI is an exception though, but I'll probably try it out soon enough), and nothing compares to the experience I had with AC heh. But the old classics have also had alot of time to add things, so it's not really surprising that the newer games have less to do initially. You just have to hope that the devs did a good job and can spend time adding content instead of fixing bugs for a year *cough* AC2 *cough*.

And people have also begun to understand the "system", so you don't go "oooh! aaah!" over all the small things anymore. I probably won't get addicted again untill there's something really revolutionary about a game, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.
oi said:
instead of fixing bugs for a year *cough* AC2 *cough*.

Fixing bugs? Weren't too many of those. They were too busy removing exploits, and trying to create any semblance of balance... or purpose... ;)
This new patch is great. They raised the level cap, added new items, and... fixed the "Windows key drops you out of the game" thing! It's a shame that I popped that key out of my keyboard already :LOL:
ANY kind of news on a very-unlikely-before-2075A.D. European release?
Heard contrasting news, such as "it's never going to be released" to "it will when the HDD is released some time in the next century" to "The HDD will never be released in Europe, so forget it"...

Anyone? :?
london-boy said:
ANY kind of news on a very-unlikely-before-2075A.D. European release?
Heard contrasting news, such as "it's never going to be released" to "it will when the HDD is released some time in the next century" to "The HDD will never be released in Europe, so forget it"...

Anyone? :?
well i heard the pc release will be before summer. I hope that helps you

Anyone hear read about cityofheros.com its a pc based game but its the only mmorpg that has superheros .
jvd said:
london-boy said:
ANY kind of news on a very-unlikely-before-2075A.D. European release?
Heard contrasting news, such as "it's never going to be released" to "it will when the HDD is released some time in the next century" to "The HDD will never be released in Europe, so forget it"...

Anyone? :?
well i heard the pc release will be before summer. I hope that helps you

Anyone hear read about cityofheros.com its a pc based game but its the only mmorpg that has superheros .

what superheroes? DC or Marvel?
london-boy said:
jvd said:
london-boy said:
ANY kind of news on a very-unlikely-before-2075A.D. European release?
Heard contrasting news, such as "it's never going to be released" to "it will when the HDD is released some time in the next century" to "The HDD will never be released in Europe, so forget it"...

Anyone? :?
well i heard the pc release will be before summer. I hope that helps you

Anyone hear read about cityofheros.com its a pc based game but its the only mmorpg that has superheros .

what superheroes? DC or Marvel?
Neither although there is a marvel one rumored to be in production but then again spiderman was in production for 12 years before it came out in the movies :)

The game sounds really cool just hit closed beta they said hopefully open in another 2 months .

lets see if this works and isn't too big if not i will just post link
No, the dimensions are nothing compared to the general suckiness of the shot :LOL: Just kidding!!

What kind of superheroes are them??

I would LOVE one day an RPG in the DC universe, with literally EVERY DC (or even marvel, but DC appeals to me the most) character ever made, including the Time Crisis saga "past" heroes...

It would be soooo cool... Can you imagine... :oops:
I can email you a thing my friend is working on . I would post it here but it didn't come out right you can go to the website and read about them though.

Yes i could imagine a dc mmorpg. I would be a green lantern .
jvd said:
I can email you a thing my friend is working on . I would post it here but it didn't come out right you can go to the website and read about them though.

Yes i could imagine a dc mmorpg. I would be a green lantern .

Thanks JVD u can email me at the address on here, or maybe PM me if it's easier for u...

Really, i would kill for a NICE DC MMORPG
I emailed it. I can post it on the net too because it was done in html if anyone else wnats me to it prob be easier.

I'm a huge ultima nut which is why i can't wait for ultima 10 . But i will prob play coh that way dc and marvel can see its a workable idea and they can get to work on one of thier own.