Favorite youtube video

I have a question. Why some YouTube videos aren't available for mobile? Is it user choice? I don't remember that kind of choice when I upload a video to YouTube.
My fake-o-meter was pinging due to the way she fell over the table like that - seriously, if you were getting pushed off-balance, wouldn't you just bend your arms to drop to the floor rather than tip over backwards onto furniture (and in this case supposedly - catch fire!)? Also: stop, drop and roll! :LOL:

...Anyway, I accepted it with a shrug and a "it's the internet, it COULD have happened", but I feel kinda vindicated right now. Anyway, fake or not: cute girl. :p

...And yeah, "twerking"... Whomever came up with that, and the word, needs a whuppin'. Hah.
My fake-o-meter was pinging due to the way she fell over the table like that - seriously, if you were getting pushed off-balance, wouldn't you just bend your arms to drop to the floor rather than tip over backwards onto furniture (and in this case supposedly - catch fire!)? Also: stop, drop and roll! :LOL:

...Anyway, I accepted it with a shrug and a "it's the internet, it COULD have happened", but I feel kinda vindicated right now. Anyway, fake or not: cute girl. :p

...And yeah, "twerking"... Whomever came up with that, and the word, needs a whuppin'. Hah.
Twerking came out of New Orleans' bounce music dance scene 20 years ago:

This is the first mention of the term in a song (warning: really terrible video quality):

I do find it interesting that originally, twerking wasn't gender-specific. It was a dance move performed by men and women.
Twerking came out of New Orleans' bounce music dance scene 20 years ago.
I do find it interesting that originally, twerking wasn't gender-specific. It was a dance move performed by men and women.

As a Brazilian I find the general underapreciation of women's back-side by american's and, to some extent, europeans - the more noric/germanic the worse - intriguing. Whenever I see non-brazilians doing dance move that involve shaking or moving their hips and butts, I feel like even I could do a better job hahaha. Twerking is such a terrible way for a girl to showcase her beautifull gluteus, really, if you are willing to move your ass like crazy, there's simply so many sexier ways to do it than spazing it like an english old lady that had too much coffee.