This turtle video is much, much better:Interesting? Yes. Hilarious? No. All IMHO
This turtle video is much, much better:
Actually, it depends upon what classification you use. Yes, by one classification, "turtle" only refers to a particular subset of the clade testudines. Another classification refers to the entire clade as "turtles".That's a tortoise, not a turtle.
Edit: Looks like by large, this is a distinction between American, British, and Australian English.
1. Porpoises and dolphins are distinct.Yeah, if you're the sort of person to call a porpoise a dolphin, a crocodile an alligator, a spider an insect, or a toad a frog. I know you're not that guy... are you..?
My only problem with Bible games is that the story is always so far-fetched for some reason. They should get Square Enix to write up something a bit more believable.