Fallout 4 [PS4, PS5, XO, XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

They don't call this a "role playing game" anywhere.
Just "open world gaming".

That sounds more like GTA than Fallout.
Also, something about those visuals were vaguely Bioshockish.
Same old wooden people again. Some environments look good but people still look so bad. All other games have upped the ante, and I think Bethesda had said they would drop Gamebryo now, what happened ? They own Tech 5 (6?) now and this is what they dish out :???: ?
After the character models of The Witcher, this looks so last gen.
Also, something about those visuals were vaguely Bioshockish.
I think it's a style thing. These games aren't really going for realism exactly. And both series are stuck with that art deco style influence.
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Praise Bethesda for being honest ablout graphics, the game will be great. But obviously they are limiting design of the game in terms of available memory bandwidth allocated for textures. Particularly noticeable in all open world games this console generation. But with economic uncertainties and low profits last gen they couldn't afford to have the Bill of materials at a large loss this time around. Had to go with a single chip solution right out the gates.

Xbox 360 360 BOM = $525 ($606 in 2013 dollars via factoring in inflation)
PS4 BOM + manufacturing cost is at $381.
Xbox One minus Kinect 2 BOM = $396 ($396 in 2013). Alot less spent on the console internals this time around.

Comparing Xbox 360 adjusted to inflation to ps4/Xbox One there is a $210 and $225 price difference.
Same old wooden people again. Some environments look good but people still look so bad. All other games have upped the ante, and I think Bethesda had said they would drop Gamebryo now, what happened ? They own Tech 5 (6?) now and this is what they dish out :???: ?
After the character models of The Witcher, this looks so last gen.
Well GTAV on PS4/X1 didn't have super detailed models but the lighting was just beautiful and really made the game look absolutely amazing. To me one of the best looking games I played on PS4, considering the absurd size of the city.
This might not apply here - we'll see - but a game can look brilliant thanks to clever and sophisticated lighting, even without Uncharted levels of character design.
The game doesn't look like it has PBR, lighting and specularity seem off, graphically it actually reminds of Stalker Clear Sky.
Releasing 10th November 2015.

And from Bethesda's Press Conference - Character creation, combat and VATS:

Build your own settlement

The building and settlement creation system looks like a game in itself! Yes! :yes:
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Excellent. Everything revealed so far is very encouraging and points to improvements in the series adding depth to the gameplay, especially the crafting and base building.

Good to see confirmation that VATS is returning too.
The base/settlement creation looks fantastic, like a tower defence game within the Fallout world, but I wonder how it's going to work in game? In the video you see the character disassemble an entire house into raw materials in seconds, which presumably means he's now encumbered and can't walk anywhere :runaway:

I wonder if there are any mechanics to stop me disassembling every building I see and then building a mega base somewhere. Welcome to Soupville, population: me. Now sod off before my flame throwers and turrets destroy you and I loot your corpse:yep2:

I've booked off Tuesday to Friday of launch week as leave.
This too seems great, and what a way to showcase it ! Bravo, it was super awesome they way they revealed various features of the game :D ! Wonderful conference.

Game seems even more 'play ur way' except for the same old graphics and character animation. They say it's a next gen of the engine with PBR, well, it doesn't show ! But, I guess, it won't matter for fans. But it would have been great to have such a game with killer graphics. I hate VATS shit, so am happy they have tuned up the shooting itself to make it playable as a shooter.

The bad: the worst ever death cam, which I cringed at in Fallout3, is back, and it's still as cringeworthy :mad:. It just doesn't feel right to have exactly the same thing in a sequel, exactly the same.
I have to say I love the death cam. It produced some unintentionally hilarious results. I thought there was an option to disable it, though.
Mods will work on Xbox One. Since I know Fallout very litte, what I find good about the news is that we could expect the same approach in a future The Elder Scrolls game. That would be really good
Was just watching the game trailers stream, and it almost sounded like the guy from Bethesda said mods will come to Xbox One first, but I was only half paying attention, so I'm not sure.
Was just watching the game trailers stream, and it almost sounded like the guy from Bethesda said mods will come to Xbox One first, but I was only half paying attention, so I'm not sure.
I think PS4 version will also support mods, wonder who pushed this feature, actually. Maybe it was Bethesda themselves
Such graphics at 30Hz only?!? However the Gameplay in the last trailer looked quite cool...I just wish the game wouldn't look so super outdated, nice graphics are also part of the fun for me.

Now I wonder if at least the missions are as good as in W3.