Damn... Try using some of the anonymizer services. Why would they block GA?Btw Marc, just thought I'd mention, my current ISP doesn't let me connect to GA
Well seeing as you can crash the cars to the point of seeing insides wide open, it would look stupid if it wasn't there. But either way, car polycounts are on the high side (4-5times that of GT) which in retrospect probably wasn't the smartest way to go but that's just a lesson learned for possible future games.is it worth it to sacrifise external polygon count for interior modelling
Fafalada said:But either way, car polycounts are on the high side (4-5times that of GT)...
Folken said:Fafalada said:But either way, car polycounts are on the high side (4-5times that of GT)...
12-15K polys ???
Fafalada said:Well I guess one could say damage is revolutionary because collisions are done per triangle
And the grass actually looks best in first person mode I think. It's animated too
Anyway Marc, actually the environment mapping is always on, but some stuff wasn't rendered in the environment map updates(like light flares and stuff) in those screens so it's not so obvious in still shots - it does look quite apparent in motion though. Either way, once everything is enabled it'll also look much better.
As for shadows, volume shadows are global to to interactive/moving stuff. I am toying with the idea of extending this to static stuff as well in international version but it's nothing set in stone yet.
Btw Marc, just thought I'd mention, my current ISP doesn't let me connect to GA. (I'm not avoiding the forum )
bbot said:Please include bump-mapped tracks, 3D trees, preferably with texture-mapped polygon leaves. dynamic lighting for everthing (Doom 3, Halo 2, deus Ex 2 style), and >= 4x AA.
One could argue that every racing game of late has 3dtrees with texture mapped leaves. They just aren't quite as '3d' as some other game types, like say, Golf3D trees, preferably with texture-mapped leaves.
You know what... you're on to something here. Railguns and plasmalaunchers should be mounted on cars too. Also make a note for artists - replace all textures with skulls and pentagrams, preferably orange and brown.dynamic lighting for everthing (Doom 3, Halo 2, deus Ex 2 style)
Play it on PS3's PS2 emulationand >= 4x AA.
Trying to fish for a free copy ey?Anyways, It looks really good Faf. Can you sign my copy... hehe
Fafalada said:Trying to fish for a free copy ey?Anyways, It looks really good Faf. Can you sign my copy... hehe