FAFRACER to be release worldwide next month!


What is the max number of car per race ?

With per triangle collision, you should 40 cars, at least 20 for carnage :devilish:

Also I noticed on those car shots, the body is bruised, yet the rims are still in showroom conditions. There got to be break fluids and scratches at least ;)
Some negative posts from GA:

dcharlie: "what in this screen is so impressive? It looks (graphically) around F355 in that shot. Am i missing something? am i alone on this one?"

darienA: "Main Entry: un·der·whelm
Pronunciation: -'hwelm, -'welm
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: under + overwhelm
Date: 1949
: to fail to impress or stimulate "

chumsgum: "Nowhere near as good as the original shots. "

nitrobit: "Readers of OPS2 UK knows this game is just an elaborate hoax."

shinobi: "The only interesting thing I've seen in this game is the damage and fuel gauge. Maybe there's more to it, but as of now it just looks like a Need for Speed/Test Drive/Burnout-type racer with a bit more depth, which really isn't my bag (on the other hand, that'll be just fine for many others)."

chiam: "why was the damage meter blurred out in earlier screenshots? its not like it hasnt been done before.."

kirukit: "I do recall screens of the game released months ago baring a far more encouraging appearance, hence I'm hopeful these are merely poor captures."

projectmidway: "Doesnt look anything special, although that must the most boring possible shot. Hopefully we will soon get screenshots from the same enviroments we saw in those very first shots."

napola: "LMAO, This is the same Faf that disrespected AM2 many moons ago. But nether the less, this is a great effort for a one man team."
IMO, not bad for a game that is done with 3-4 programmers, even though it is the longest indevelopment PS2 game. ;)

faf, is it worth it to sacrifise external polygon count for interior modelling? cars look bit flat. and you need to put more flashy lighting in the game. the image quality looks sweet, keep it that way when the game is released and it might be the cleanest looking ps2 game! :oops:
Car really looks cool in that ?replay? shot where you can see reflections of the sky on it. Others look a bit more bland. Still, for an arcade racer, the way cars look is not *that* important, IMO. The way the trackside looks is more important, and those crashes better be sweet as hell :) Crashes made Burnout 2 so much more impressive than it would be without them.

Btw, a lot of people on GA liked the way the game looks, negativity is in the minority ;)
Dont forget the tonnes ol motionblur, haze, rain, colors fliters and crazy panning, all MTV style. :LOL:

when am i getting the demo? :?
6 cars for Korean version V3.

The tracks are exactly the same as they were in previous shots (actually some look better since we didn't used to have stuff like 3d grass few months ago), but these shots weren't exactly taken to show environments.

is it worth it to sacrifise external polygon count for interior modelling
Well seeing as you can crash the cars to the point of seeing insides wide open, it would look stupid if it wasn't there. But either way, car polycounts are on the high side (4-5times that of GT) which in retrospect probably wasn't the smartest way to go but that's just a lesson learned for possible future games.

The car shading look is not final though.
Folken said:
Fafalada said:
But either way, car polycounts are on the high side (4-5times that of GT)...

12-15K polys ??? :oops:

That seems about right....remember how the developers of Project Gotham boasted about their car models having somewhere around 4 times the poly counts as those seen in GT3? A lot of those poly's had to go into modeling things that occured once a model was "damaged", which is why they didn't LOOK like they were really 4 times as detailed by just looking at the models themselves.

Faf, I've been wondering what your stance is on all the comments made so far. I'm not one to ordinarily judge based on screenshots alone for the most part, however, at this point though, to judge only by screenshots in this case, it seems that Burnout 2 might have beat you guys to the punch.
Fafalada said:
Well I guess one could say damage is revolutionary because collisions are done per triangle :LOL:
And the grass actually looks best in first person mode I think. It's animated too :p

Anyway Marc, actually the environment mapping is always on, but some stuff wasn't rendered in the environment map updates(like light flares and stuff) in those screens so it's not so obvious in still shots - it does look quite apparent in motion though. Either way, once everything is enabled it'll also look much better.

As for shadows, volume shadows are global to to interactive/moving stuff. I am toying with the idea of extending this to static stuff as well in international version but it's nothing set in stone yet.
Btw Marc, just thought I'd mention, my current ISP doesn't let me connect to GA. (I'm not avoiding the forum :p )

Cool... high polygon counts, soft self-shadowing ( please do extend it to static objects as well :) it is already greta looking now and I think touches like that would make it look fantastic :) ) environment mapping in-game... and greta image quality...

You delivered man, you did... great job :)


even in a shot which doesn't seem shot to show off the BG and stuff you can stare at the little details... the picture is really clean :) ( did I mention I like soft-self shadowing ? ) :D
Also, I just want to bring up that there's a thread on the PS2 General Board over at the IGNBoards and the general feeling is very positive. The screens like the one panajev2001a posted are impressively clean...perhaps my final impression was made a little too early.
I'd like to see the video of that lakeside track. If that old screnshot is anything to go by, the water on that lake is unlike anything I've seen on PS2. Really impressive. Burnout 2 was great, but I think with effects like that, Fafracer will end up looking better.
Well, considering that this isn´t a game developed by a huge development team with tons of resources, I´m really impressed. Congratulations Faf, (although the lightning could be better ;) ).
Please include bump-mapped tracks, 3D trees, preferably with texture-mapped polygon leaves. dynamic lighting for everthing (Doom 3, Halo 2, deus Ex 2 style), and >= 4x AA.
bbot said:
Please include bump-mapped tracks, 3D trees, preferably with texture-mapped polygon leaves. dynamic lighting for everthing (Doom 3, Halo 2, deus Ex 2 style), and >= 4x AA.

..and xbox-live enabled ?
3D trees, preferably with texture-mapped leaves.
One could argue that every racing game of late has 3dtrees with texture mapped leaves. They just aren't quite as '3d' as some other game types, like say, Golf :oops:
And are you trying to discriminate that tree leaves are better then grass blades? :?

dynamic lighting for everthing (Doom 3, Halo 2, deus Ex 2 style)
You know what... you're on to something here. Railguns and plasmalaunchers should be mounted on cars too. Also make a note for artists - replace all textures with skulls and pentagrams, preferably orange and brown.

and >= 4x AA.
Play it on PS3's PS2 emulation :p

Anyways, It looks really good Faf. Can you sign my copy... hehe
Trying to fish for a free copy ey? ;)