FAFRACER to be release worldwide next month!

beware that Deadmeat and Lazy8 are preparing the knives as we speak.
Not me. I've been anticipating this game's release for some time. I thought the screens released so far looked really good (especially on the city street racing track at night).

Fafalada's always been very helpful explaining lots of technical stuff here and at Gaming-Age, and he's always civil in discussions. I know some other people doubted in the past due to the lengthy production schedule of the game, but those kind of delays can easily happen when publishing issues have to be established and worked out and also depending on size/efficiency of the dev team.

The only concern I've every brought up was with regards to gameplay; I basically wanted to discuss and get some idea about what kind of focus there was to the racing action. Such as, what were thoughts on balancing the challenge of tackling the courses versus the challenge of properly tuning your car versus the challenge of straight-up battling against opponent car AI at high speeds. And I know that Fafalada, as a lead programmer, probably isn't directly responsible for all those design issues (and with his indifference to some of the greatest SEGA racers ever, maybe that's a good thing!!), but I was just trying to get a feel for the gameplay ideas.

I'm anxious to play a new racer, and I can, at the very least, appreciate the hard work that was put into it. As has been noted from my Shenmue "poetry", I like to really study things and pour over the little details.
Congratulations Fafalada! I'm looking very forward to this game. It's on the top of my racing-games-list with GT4 :D





Faf girls >>>>>>>>RR girls
Lazy8s said:
beware that Deadmeat and Lazy8 are preparing the knives as we speak.
As has been noted from my Shenmue "poetry", I like to really study things and pour over the little details.

And overblow them out of proportions and somehow morph dumb design issues, underpowered machines and outdated graphics engines into world wonders. :p
I've trying to found some in game footage, without any result yet. Do you know if there's any?
I thought that maybe in the developers website, but I couldn't find it (just a photograph of some Russian bloke who is in the team -is that Mr Fafalada himself, or just some partner???)
I just read the IGN article about the BIG games of 2003... Under SCEA, Axel Impact (FAFRacer) was listed, but they didn't have any info about it.
This is what they wrote:
"Axel Impact: Honestly, we have no idea what this game is. Scalp us."... :?
I'm actually not that suprised that it got delayed... especially since Sony hasn't started hyping it nor have we seen any newer screens or news about it. I'm still very much anticipating the release though.

BTW; I heard it's more kind of arcade-ish. Is it like RidgeRacer or perhaps more like the original Need for Speed, a bit between RR and GT?
Wow, this game looks absolutely gorgeous!! Nice grass and got to love the real time damage model!
Yes, very nice. The game looks to take advantage of PS2's strengths - polygons and physics - while downplaying its weaknesses (textures).

The damage meter idea is a cool one, but it's not the "revolutionary" feature I'd heard early on. After all, the NASCAR games have been doing that for some time now. Maybe this one's different or more sophisticated?

Anyway, those screens look promising.

Hmm... the grass isn't volumetric, it's just lots of alpha textures set at angles (used by SoulBlade too).
Tagrineth said:
Hmm... the grass isn't volumetric, it's just lots of alpha textures set at angles (used by SoulBlade too).

YEAH it looks good if its far from the camera... as soon as u get close enough u can see the big fat polygon attached to the ground with an alpha texture.... but i guess at a fast 60fps u won't really care about it :LOL:
mm... the grass isn't volumetric, it's just lots of alpha textures set at angles (used by SoulBlade too).
I was thinking more about the glass that is farther away. Reminded me of that volumetric effect used in pirates: the black kat. I'm probably wrong, though.

So, Faf, cars do have self shadowing, and there's a global shadowing model in general? Lack of any enviro mapping during the race is a downer, though :( Is it that go remain like that?
marconelly! said:
mm... the grass isn't volumetric, it's just lots of alpha textures set at angles (used by SoulBlade too).
I was thinking more about the glass that is farther away. Reminded me of that volumetric effect used in pirates: the black kat. I'm probably wrong, though.

"Volumetric grass" is done via fur-shading (see also Star Fox Adventures).

In the distance, sure, lots of alpha textures look great. It's up close that they look horrendous. It's still alpha textures though.
Well I guess one could say damage is revolutionary because collisions are done per triangle :LOL:
And the grass actually looks best in first person mode I think. It's animated too :p

Anyway Marc, actually the environment mapping is always on, but some stuff wasn't rendered in the environment map updates(like light flares and stuff) in those screens so it's not so obvious in still shots - it does look quite apparent in motion though. Either way, once everything is enabled it'll also look much better.

As for shadows, volume shadows are global to to interactive/moving stuff. I am toying with the idea of extending this to static stuff as well in international version but it's nothing set in stone yet.
Btw Marc, just thought I'd mention, my current ISP doesn't let me connect to GA. (I'm not avoiding the forum :p )