Eye Of Judgement

Shifty Geezer

Just seen the trialer from IGN. I can't make out if this is the first augmented reality game, or that was just some PR nonsense. There's a seen where the player holds a card and the screen shows the card with a dragon on it. But the rest of the gameplay looks nothing like. Is there any confirmation on whether it has little monsters in your hand (a major seller I think, especially in Japan, not that PS needs a boost there!)?

Also any word on EyeToy as standard or not?
Also, this game getting no attention, I've realized it's actually a totally different take on gaming. It seems the game is played using image recognition. There's a 3x3 grid on which cards are placed, and from this battles are created and shown on PS3. As a revenue stream, the possibility of selling more cards Pokemon style is phenominal. This is a tech Nintendo could real do with!

Graphically it's not wowing anyone, so I guess that' why no-one cares, but this is certainly something new I rate amongst the more exciting showings. MGS looked incredible, FFXIII looked too incredible, but this is new tech!
Interesting concept, but for these kinds of games to really take off, the EyeToy needs to be wireless, and preferably feature repulsion technology so that you can make it hover over your shoulder.
As a standard, I think the cam will be placed in front of the player, above or below the display. Having to take it from that position, place it somewhere abound your desk is a bit too much hassle.
Maybe the camera is wireless, and you can wear it attached to a headband :D
I agree shifty, i'd love to play a game of Magic:The Gathering where the monsters actually spring up from the cards on screen.
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I am actually disapoited with what they showed about ET, we have seen some amazing things made with cameras and this is no here close and specialy the game(play) looks really uniteresting, ie, no better than any card games.

Anyway I think you can call it AR I just hope they show somwthing better shortly.
I thought you'd have been pleased at this, pc999, with your sig and all. Okay, it's not astounding gameplay but I can't think AR is going to provide that ever anyway. Short of an AR virtual-clay modeller or something, it's only going to be able to combine computer elements to limited scenes (living rooms) which is inherently gimmicky. I'm pleased that someone's though to introduce the tech, and the reference to Sony Labs was cool. Suggests to me they might be working on further EyeToy tech like the background removal, and putting that research into money-making practice!

As far as the game is concerned, my gut feeling is this could be a huge selling point in Japan. Plus it's a great system differentiator (unless XB's cam has something similar announced later at E3 ;)
Shifty Geezer said:
I thought you'd have been pleased at this, pc999, with your sig and all. Okay, it's not astounding gameplay but I can't think AR is going to provide that ever anyway. Short of an AR virtual-clay modeller or something, it's only going to be able to combine computer elements to limited scenes (living rooms) which is inherently gimmicky. I'm pleased that someone's though to introduce the tech, and the reference to Sony Labs was cool. Suggests to me they might be working on further EyeToy tech like the background removal, and putting that research into money-making practice!

As far as the game is concerned, my gut feeling is this could be a huge selling point in Japan. Plus it's a great system differentiator (unless XB's cam has something similar announced later at E3 ;)

I hope to god Sony pushes way more games with AR in them. After seeing the conference Sony needs to make people want to buy the system for their indiviual things that they can offer. Nobody (today) is offering AR in games.
They could really go to town on the cinematics in a game like this, and push PS3's graphics rendering. The simplicity of the actual game as card games are means pretty much all resources could be spent on eye candy, which could make it a real showcase. Though from the looks of it that'll ahve to wait 'til version 2.
Shifty Geezer said:
They could really go to town on the cinematics in a game like this, and push PS3's graphics rendering. The simplicity of the actual game as card games are means pretty much all resources could be spent on eye candy, which could make it a real showcase. Though from the looks of it that'll ahve to wait 'til version 2.
Yeah the eye candy is definately there. 720p, Depth of Field, HDR, motion blur, and I'm guessing 2xAA is also there according to the screen shots...
That might not be all that impressive In the sense of all next gen titles, but for an eyetoy card game, I think thats pretty neat that they dont just give you generic 2d GUI's like previous eyetoy titles.
Ok here's my post transplanted from the other thread. :)

Shifty Geezer said:
Seems very similar to existing card games played two player in the room, so I don't see why it would be any more tedious than those, which is purely a matter of taste. There's a certain slowness ot the game as shown, but if they have an option to skip some of the cinematics and have fast summons, it'd run as fast as a two player card game but with added ping. Online is definitely a good idea, where you'd see only your cards, but it begs the question how could you prevent the opponent (or yourself!) cheating? If following the tradition of drawing random cards from a deck, without the other player in the room you could look through your cards and find whatever card you want. Personally I'd like to see a game that lost this random element. It doesn't matter how good you make your deck, being unlucky with the cards can kill you.

Well you make some very good points, but so that said, the game loses even more appeal IMO.

I was there one foot from the camera, with a giant screen in front of me, with cards being played - and one out of every two plays would read incorrectly. Maybe it was just the calibration of the camera in my demo. But I mean, I used to be a big Magic fan (and I'll take it to anyone with my Blue/Black deck), but after seeing what I saw, the idea of every turn taking five times longer than just playing the cards would require... that turns into a nightmare in my mind.
Yeah I do hope the bugs are worked out before shipping, I think if done right this title could be a sleeper hit. And if they can avoid cheating Online, it would be pretty fun too imo.

Nothing stressful, just msg up a friend and ask him if he wants to play a few games of EOJ. Almost in the sense like it was asking to play spades, tic tac toe, or uno. Potential to appeal to both kids and adults.

I'm starting to sound like sony PR lol, make it stop. :D

taking a second look, do you think the lighting in the room may of had something to do with it? I noticed the cards are tan, but the ID markers are bright green, Do you think the tan/yellow lighting in the room may have effected the reading of the cards? Just throwing a guess out there, it probably has something to do more with the programming or somthing. they did have the word "SAMPLE" on the cards. Just throwing guesses out there, who knows.
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I think it's awesome, don't get me wrong - I just worry it'll take too long to do anything from these demos I've seen. I'm someone that spent hours on the various Final Fantasy card game iterations in recent versions, so by no means am I adverse to 'virtual' card games. But where I could play an entire game in like 10 minutes on those, this looks like it would take quite a while indeed.
Yeah I definately hear what your saying, It would be a turn off if the game shipped buggy and had huge waiting times. I'm just saying I think this game has high potential which I think youll agree with me on that.
Well I'm not assuming bugs actually - even if it's flawless it just looks like each individual action has too much animation associated with it. Like as if you were summoning Bahamut Zero in FFVII for every single action, y'know?

But yeah I mean technically, the game is a marvel.
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Shifty Geezer said:
Also, this game getting no attention, I've realized it's actually a totally different take on gaming. It seems the game is played using image recognition. There's a 3x3 grid on which cards are placed, and from this battles are created and shown on PS3. As a revenue stream, the possibility of selling more cards Pokemon style is phenominal. This is a tech Nintendo could real do with!

Graphically it's not wowing anyone, so I guess that' why no-one cares, but this is certainly something new I rate amongst the more exciting showings. MGS looked incredible, FFXIII looked too incredible, but this is new tech!

Having a cute little dragon on my hand will be cool. There must be something to prevent people from simply photocopying the cards (especially the rare ones LOL). Is there a unique identifier on each card?

I think what differentiates this from an online card game is the collector appeal of owning the cards physically, along with trophy display and trading potential.

PS This realtime camera image manipulation technique seems to be similar to the make-up demo they had a while ago on cell, by Toshiba.
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