Explorer.exe taking 99% of my cpu


WHen ever I do anything that uses the explorer.exe like avant browser or my computer usage jumps to 99% and then stays that way even when I exit all programs . Anyone know whats going on . I have no viruses and my spyware sweeper has gotten rid of all spy programs. Anyone else experiance this ?
On occasion, but it usually doesn't last too long. I choke it up to Windows being screwy, and am just glad I use other browsers 99% of the time. :p
Its not so bad but when i try to move videos from folder to folder then it starts to annoy me .
I've seen this happen when trying to access somthing like a corrupt avi file. I suspect that Explorer's preview feature is trying to access the file, not being able to interpret it, and going bananas instead of dropping the file access gracefully.

One solution is to use taskmanager to kill Explorer, and then restart the desktop using the "run program" feature in task manager. You might not be able to manipulate any problem file in Explorer because just listing it will cause Explorer to access and lock it without being able to do anything with it. You might have to use a cmd window to delete the file.
I have the same problem. Never seemed to be any problems before, it just recently kicked in, and it's friggin annoying.
Humus said:
I have the same problem. Never seemed to be any problems before, it just recently kicked in, and it's friggin annoying.
see i'm not the only one . DO you also sometimes get a message telling you to upgrade software when you click on my computer ?
jvd said:
Its not so bad but when i try to move videos from folder to folder then it starts to annoy me .
the videos thing there is a fix for, iirc.
To correct the misbehavior in Windows XP, remove the following registry key.


This will prevent Explorer from loading shmedia.dll in response to file property queries on these files. This will not effect your ability to play files, get file attributes, or even view thumbnails.
worked wonders for me when dealing with videos.
thankyou Althornin!!! you have no idea how much that bug has pissed me off. Although it only happens to me with thumbnails and properties on svcd mpeg2 files.
Kalbaz said:
thankyou Althornin!!! you have no idea how much that bug has pissed me off. Although it only happens to me with thumbnails and properties on svcd mpeg2 files.
yep, but tis sooo freakin annoying.
glad to help :)