Ever felt embaressed because of your computer knowledge?


It happened to me yesterday when my son Justin had a friend of his over from school who's never been over before, his Mom brought him over and his Dad picked 'em up so I got a chance to meet-n-greet both and they seemed like really nice people. (Yay! I made some new friends in real-life, yay! ;) )

But when my daughter took the Mom on a tour of the house the subject of computers came up....it's kind of inevitable given everyone in the house has one plus an extra couple laying around, not to mention my daughter is extrodinarily proud of her Kittyputer w/Hello Kitty flat-speakers and it tends to be a subject of conversation when people first see it. :rolleyes:

She surprised the hell out of me though and said, "Wow! I thought we were the only family around that everyone had their own computer in.".


Now making friends with a classmate of my son's parents is cool and all and something I gotta start doing more of, but for them to actually be computer literate is like a gift from the gods or something! :oops:

They're both into the net, and she asked me if I could help her husband out with an old Ford PeoplePC that he wants to set up for file-sharing. (He's into music, he's a guitarist in a local band I guess)

So he picked the son up and we got to meet and talk, and we were discussing various file-sharing proggies for a while...it was fun!

One problem; I couldn't go too deep, if you know what I mean. The guy knew enough to know that there was a difference between 98, ME, & XP...but he didn't know which one was better or why.

Better with PCs than 80% of the people I deal with right there, the ability to learn puts 'em up to the 95% bracket. 8)

Oh, and my son and their son had a blast in the bouncy thing. :)

So it was a very weirdish day for me IRL yesterday and to top it all off I can't talk about it over at EB since they saw it up on me browser and asked me about it and they're checking out me site and I just don't feel comfortable talking about it there now. :rolleyes:
Awww daddy's making new friends in the playground!!! :LOL:

Anyway, you haven't had to endure an evening with the brother of the flatmate ranting about how Macs are so good and how Macs are so perfect and how Macs are so powerful and how Macs are flawless and never crash and never get viruses and are so easy to use and look so sexy and are so neat because PCs are bad and unfriendly and always crash and they look bad and blah blah blah....

Now THAT was a fun evening....... Especially when he got a peek at my system... :LOL: He was :oops: and i don't even have a super-top-of-the-range-with-whistles-and-bells system (not anymore)...
Really? When I start talking PCs with people it always seems that at some point I totally lose 'em and they just have this totally weirdlike blank stare on their face. :(

(In real-life that is, online that doesn't happen much)
london-boy said:
Anyway, you haven't had to endure an evening with the brother of the flatmate ranting about how Macs are so good and how Macs are so perfect and how Macs are so powerful and how Macs are flawless and never crash and never get viruses and are so easy to use and look so sexy and are so neat because PCs are bad and unfriendly and always crash and they look bad and blah blah blah....

Now THAT was a fun evening....... Especially when he got a peek at my system... :LOL: He was :oops: and i don't even have a super-top-of-the-range-with-whistles-and-bells system (not anymore)...
Oh yeah? My wife's best friend is a graphic artist and whenever we all go out together guess what she talks to me about.... :rolleyes:
digitalwanderer said:
london-boy said:
Anyway, you haven't had to endure an evening with the brother of the flatmate ranting about how Macs are so good and how Macs are so perfect and how Macs are so powerful and how Macs are flawless and never crash and never get viruses and are so easy to use and look so sexy and are so neat because PCs are bad and unfriendly and always crash and they look bad and blah blah blah....

Now THAT was a fun evening....... Especially when he got a peek at my system... :LOL: He was :oops: and i don't even have a super-top-of-the-range-with-whistles-and-bells system (not anymore)...
Oh yeah? My wife's best friend is a graphic artist and whenever we all go out together guess what she talks to me about.... :rolleyes:

Yeah tell me about it, but then he had a problem with his Mac (which made me very proud) and it took me all flipping evening to sort it out for him. And.... Macs never crash?!?! :LOL: :LOL: Errrr.... They do, and when they do, they recover MUCH worse than PCs, who have had 20 years of experience from recovering from hard crashes and get on with life... ;)
I don't really have anything against macs 'cept me lack of knowledge about 'em, all the ones I've worked on have treated me just fine.

I've never gamed on a mac though, unless you count the Apple IIe from way back when as a mac... ;)
digitalwanderer said:
I don't really have anything against macs 'cept me lack of knowledge about 'em, all the ones I've worked on have treated me just fine.

I've never gamed on a mac though, unless you count the Apple IIe from way back when as a mac... ;)

Well i guess a nice Dual G5 would be a nice addition to my room, but gosh those things are so expensive i'm not even gonna go there.
Also, if they had more than 2 pro 3D apps on Mac i'd seriously think about it, as it is i can only work on Maya on my PC. Which is more than powerful enough to run anything now and in the next year and a half at least. A64's are good enough for the moment.
Anyway, to answer your question, yes i've been kinda embarrassed because of my computer knowledge. Anytime i'm with my friends (apart from 1 of them who graduated in something geeky), and start talking about my animation stuff, they start giving me this look
at the Y in Maya.
london-boy said:
digitalwanderer said:
london-boy said:
Anyway, you haven't had to endure an evening with the brother of the flatmate ranting about how Macs are so good and how Macs are so perfect and how Macs are so powerful and how Macs are flawless and never crash and never get viruses and are so easy to use and look so sexy and are so neat because PCs are bad and unfriendly and always crash and they look bad and blah blah blah....

Now THAT was a fun evening....... Especially when he got a peek at my system... :LOL: He was :oops: and i don't even have a super-top-of-the-range-with-whistles-and-bells system (not anymore)...
Oh yeah? My wife's best friend is a graphic artist and whenever we all go out together guess what she talks to me about.... :rolleyes:

Yeah tell me about it, but then he had a problem with his Mac (which made me very proud) and it took me all flipping evening to sort it out for him. And.... Macs never crash?!?! :LOL: :LOL: Errrr.... They do, and when they do, they recover MUCH worse than PCs, who have had 20 years of experience from recovering from hard crashes and get on with life... ;)

Yeah, ppl with macs get kinda weird...I have an iBook, and the thing I like about it is that I can throw it around without it breaking, unlike all the pc laptops I've used. OS9 crashes all the time, OSX never does, but it's as slow as hell...
I got a pc because I like gaming, and geezus macs are expensive!
And I don't really know enough to be embarassed for having too much knowledge....more likt too little with my geeky friends.
At school I had this teacher who was... well... We called him MacMagic... You get the picture. Anyways, he was a really good talker and even though I knew I was right about Pc's being better, at least their mouses had more buttons... at least more games, more programs and whatnot...

But no matter what I said he always had a great comment to make me feel stupid and he had this look of total superiority punching through my brain when he just smiled nastily at me... I almost got my price point through but then he just knocked me out with "well you can't have both good and cheap" Made me feel myself stupid.

Well he was the kind of guy that could talk me into buying a bag full of expensive poo and writing my documents to it with finger instead of using pc and word if he wanted to convince me...
Mendel said:
At school I had this teacher who was... well... We called him MacMagic... You get the picture. Anyways, he was a really good talker and even though I knew I was right about Pc's being better, at least their mouses had more buttons... at least more games, more programs and whatnot...

But no matter what I said he always had a great comment to make me feel stupid and he had this look of total superiority punching through my brain when he just smiled nastily at me... I almost got my price point through but then he just knocked me out with "well you can't have both good and cheap" Made me feel myself stupid.

You pu$$y........ :LOL: :LOL: How can u let urself being treated like that? ;)
I remembered one weird happy time for me that was a bit opposite, my wife's best friend just gave me this weird look suddenly in the middle of a conversation about file formats and said, "You know it is so strange to be able to use the term 'lossless compression' in a sentence and not get a blank stare back!". :LOL:
It's kinda weird sometimes, to think that 99% of the people out there just do not know even the simplest things, like that the CPU is "something" and GPU is "something else", they just think that "stuff" gets worked out in the CPU and poof it comes out on the screen...
Concepts of bandwidth, clockspeeds, bit&byte... Difference between RAM and Hard Drive memory(the single most common and most frustrating thing for me, personally). All these simple things we take for granted, and they just don't have a clue. Kinda weird..
london-boy said:
It's kinda weird sometimes, to think that 99% of the people out there just do not know even the simplest things, like that the CPU is "something" and GPU is "something else", they just think that "stuff" gets worked out in the CPU and poof it comes out on the screen...
Concepts of bandwidth, clockspeeds, bit&byte... Difference between RAM and Hard Drive memory(the single most common and most frustrating thing for me, personally). All these simple things we take for granted, and they just don't have a clue. Kinda weird..
Yeah, that's what I was talking about with this whole thread.

I don't think of meself as a computer expert and I HATE it when people I know call me that because I know soooo many people that know sooo much bloody more than me and I know there is sooo much more I got to learn and that I just don't get....but if I think about it logically I probably am in that upper percentage of knowledgeable people just because so many people are just sooooo unknowledgeable about 'em. :(
digitalwanderer said:
Hey, that one still confuzles me at times! ;)

Well thankfully we'll only need to worry about DDR for a while.... ;)

Another one: SIZE OF FILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just.................... too hard for some people............. they just have no idea of why their hotmail account can be full with only 3 emails (which incidentally happen to have 700K attachments each), while i have 80 emails on my inbox and it's only 30% full....

And the more you explain it, the more they forget next time this comes up... KB, MB, GB.... no connection between them in their minds....
My problem is, having worked in IT and doing bits and bobs over the Internet (FM, B3D, etc), I tend to get an awful lot of people thrusting laptops at me. The conversation roughly goes along the lines of...

Them: "Nick..."
Me: "Yeah (backing away already)?"
T: "Apparently you're good with computers and..."
M: "Ah, well, it's more technical than th..."
T: "Well my laptop won't start any more etc etc etc blah blah whine whine whine"
M: "grunt....ugg....uh-uh....hmmm....too bad"
T: "Great! So I'll pick it up tomorrow! Thanks!"
M: "EH?!?! WHAT?!?!? Aww, shite...."

Hence why somebody's laptop, screwed up because of the countless porn diallers on it, is sitting on my desk waiting to be "fixed".
Yeah, spyware/virus removal is probably about 95% of what I've been having to do for friends/family/aquaintances/friends-o-friends/etc lately....it's sort of depressing.

I mean, I've had a few nice machines come thru....but they're just SO horribly set-up! :( (And I don't mess around with their set-ups much as that will just mean more phone calls down the road....GADS I hate telephones! )