Ever felt embaressed because of your computer knowledge?

Yes esp in front of girls . Was visting my friends at college chatting up some babe a few rooms down and all of the sudden you hear "my computer is down" followed by " Call joe he is a nerd " Doesn't help with the ladies i tell ya
london-boy said:
Awww daddy's making new friends in the playground!!! :LOL:

Anyway, you haven't had to endure an evening with the brother of the flatmate ranting about how Macs are so good and how Macs are so perfect and how Macs are so powerful and how Macs are flawless and never crash and never get viruses and are so easy to use and look so sexy and are so neat because PCs are bad and unfriendly and always crash and they look bad and blah blah blah....

Now THAT was a fun evening....... Especially when he got a peek at my system... :LOL: He was :oops: and i don't even have a super-top-of-the-range-with-whistles-and-bells system (not anymore)...
Hmm as a Windows user i say that dude is right. If i wouldn't play games i'd go all for Mac. Wich sane person would like to work with a Microsoft OS if he could use another? Mac is easy fast and stable. Sure they crash... every System crashes someday but it'S not as bad as it is with Windows.

Everytime i look at my brother using his G4 Ibook and then at my system i think: Why?... ahhh the games. :LOL:

Maya only on PC's? Is there anything wrong with the mac version?

Edit: Oh, only Maya complete available... Didn't realize that, pfff :(
dreamin' said:
Maya only on PC's? Is there anything wrong with the mac version?

Edit: Oh, only Maya complete available... Didn't realize that, pfff :(

I didn't even think Maya Complete wasn't available on Mac... Still, as far as workstations and 3D apps go, it's just "easier" to go WIN... Meaning that since every app is available on WIN, it's easy to switch from one to another without worrying about changing platform...

And a dual Opteron will always be cheaper than a dual G5. ;)
I have never been embaressed of computer knowledge, most likely because it is the only area where I could make ppl turn quiet. (I was bullied over a 7 years in school by different guys, so there comes my need to show myself able to do things.)

In any case, it is always fancy to start discussions with IT operators 20 years older than I about how world would like to be if IBM wouldn't screwed up with MCA (mainly marketing and licensing.) so badly and that kind of stuff. It usually leaves an image that I am respected after that.

But we all are like walking PC-hardware encyclopedias, right? EVERYONE knows what's the difference between Serial Controllers 16550 and 16550A(F)? and reason, why PS/2 Model 50 -series computers always gave Serial Controller Error on reboot after using any device on serial port...
Nappe1 said:
But we all are like walking PC-hardware encyclopedias, right? EVERYONE knows what's the difference between Serial Controllers 16550 and 16550A(F)? and reason, why PS/2 Model 50 -series computers always gave Serial Controller Error on reboot after using any device on serial port...

Errrr....... SURE!!!!! :?

Nappe1 said:
But we all are like walking PC-hardware encyclopedias, right? EVERYONE knows what's the difference between Serial Controllers 16550 and 16550A(F)? and reason, why PS/2 Model 50 -series computers always gave Serial Controller Error on reboot after using any device on serial port...
That sums up nicely why I never, ever consider or call meself a computer expert or guru! :LOL:

I generally tell people the truth; I like computers and they seem to like me too. :)
different internal buffer length ? less sure about the reboot issue , i guess it got programmed when turned on , but a reboot didnt reset it correctly ? ? ? or was it something to do with the model 50 being a 286 ??


now to google :)
davefb said:
different internal buffer length ? less sure about the reboot issue , i guess it got programmed when turned on , but a reboot didnt reset it correctly ? ? ? or was it something to do with the model 50 being a 286 ??


now to google :)

pretty close... :) PS/2 model 50 (as well as the Z version.) used this missfortunate 16550 FIFO chip. The problem with it was the 16 bytes buffer (16450 had only 1 byte buffer as well as in the orignal 8250.) which never got flushed (except on cold boot). and so when POST checked the buffer, it was already fullfilled. They fixed it on 16550 revision A, but IBM never called back Model 50 PS/2's for fix and so at least earliest ones still has the same problem.
^ ^ Then they say that graphics technology is hard to understand.............. I understood very little about that, and it's only a connection cable pluggy thingy...
bah , should have known , i'm sure i had one at work . .. *honest* !

did have the misfortune to have to use a ibm 4.77mhz pc for writing assembly language software ,, in the dim and distant past !


used to be super embarrasing , but recently the problem is that people expect you to fix all their issues.... i sort of remark "yeah , i'll fix your windows install,, but could you paint my windows in return" :)
Why does my Explorer window have the following text on the top bar (the part highlighted in italics and bolded, I'm not that computer illiterate that I wouldn't know where the rest comes from):

Beyond3D: Post a reply - AMD und ATI Board

That AMD und ATI board text shows at the end of every website window I open.
I have XP Home, Finnish version, but the und is german :?

Now, I do have AMD processor and ATI "board", but why does the Explorer thinks it needs to remind me about it every time I have an Explorer window open???

Where does it come from, I don't remember seeing similar note with '98.
And why has it chosen just the AMD and ATI parts?? I do have devices of other makers inside my computer too, like MSI mainboard, some obscure ethernet card, Plextor DVDRW etc... why does it favor AMD and ATI???????
Wow, just wow. This thread came up in the little box suggesting that mebbe a new post of mine had been posted before and I read it and it popped me brain. That's the day I met Bryce, Cheryl, and Mike. (Son's friend, his mom and dad in the story) They've been our family's best friends since that day, and Cheryl now builds her own PCs and Mike has gotten MUCH better with file sharing. :)

They're the one thing I really miss about living in Highland, they were just a couple blocks away...now they're over a 1/2 hour drive. :(
Wow, just wow. This thread came up in the little box suggesting that mebbe a new post of mine had been posted before and I read it and it popped me brain.
The years sure pile up these days, don't they? I think back a lot myself, like in '97, that was the year I bought my first PC. And in 87, that was my first computer ever, my Commodore Amiga A500. Year before that, NES, my first videogame console (which still works, as far as I know, haven't tested it for a couple years though.) And shit, 87 was A LONG TIME AGO NOW... Holy crap! I was in high school back then.

It was all like...glasnost and stuff back then. Or maybe not right then, I can't quite remember. Reagan was still in the white house, and there was still a Berlin wall, civil war in Lebanon, military advisors sent to dictatorships in africa... OMG. Time flies, and things change.

Music was good back then too. MTV actually had relevance back then. :D
I find a lot of my favorite music on Spotify actually. Most, if not all of Jarre's old 70s and 80s albums are now available, which they weren't in the past. Curiously though, a bunch of his 00s productions are now UNavailable, which they weren't earlier... Very weird.

Kraftwerk's early stuff still MIA though, I don't really understand why. Oh, and the Beatles. It's that greedy old twat McCartney gumming up the works to have 40+ year old records released. Not that I'm a particularly big beatles fan though, so I'm like, whatever.
I've been getting into Pandora lately. No real reason other than convenience and it's pretty decent, I almost always have my phone on me.