Even if the PS3 is more powerful than the 360, what difference will it make?

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Davew49 said:
Perhaps, I'm thinking the that most of what you listed will be pretty even amongst the two consoles, it's the physics and other "things" that a developer might be able to accomplish with the cell processor that could be the manifestation. Will it be enough to get a casual or say "common" gamer to notice a huge difference? I guess that will depend on the developer.
Well, the common gamer is stupid. The perception that PS3 is significantly more powerful is already planted (Sony made a nice marketable 2x figure with their "2 TFLOPs" and the media ran with it). The unwashed masses still believe PS2 games look better to GC games, so....its a PR war, Sony has already won that war IMO.

Davew49 said:
How do you justify that? It could simply mean that the game will be a different version of Fight Night for the PS3, not necessarily a better game. As far as looking better, again we are not certain of that either are we? Unless the developer stated as much. If the game is being designe from the ground up then I suppose that could be implied. Do we know if FN3 is ground up desinged for the X360? It does use renderware correct? IMO, the two next-gen version could "look" more similar than not.
I don't think power will have peaked so early, and I don't think EA is as lazy as you would presume to not make any visual improvement in 8months (or so). Its only logical that the PS3 rev will look better. FN4 may/probably will look the same on both.

Davew49 said:
Yes it sure does. But I am wondering at what point do we reach a point of diminshing returns? At least from the graphical standpoint. Just for numbers sake will we be able to distinguish game X running on X360 at 200mio pps, version the same game on PS3 running 275mio pps? Maybe some here could, but I'm thinking they could easily look on par to most people.
As above, the majority of people will never care much to compare graphics. So its left to us graphic whores to compare screens, power, etc. And if there is something to be noticed, we will.
Also, I do think that a 25% increase in scene complexity is going to be very noticeable. But of course, shaders, textures, lighting etc. is going to have a more signficant visual impact.
Diminishing returns will have a significant impact as the 'great equalizer' but there is little to say that any power disparity is close enough for it to render differences un-notable.
As said before this time around power in it self will do little to make the games look noticably better on one console than the other.

The power difference between PS3 and xbox360 is nowhere near what we had between PS2 and xbox, which was not only conciderably more powerfull but also easier to program and get fancy FX from than PS2.

As polycounts and other stuff are just getting higher and higher on new concoles more and more power is needed to make a difference between two consoles. It is easier to see the difference between 500 and 1,000 polys than between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000 polys.

Maybe PS3 will be able to have a bit better physics, or maybe more correctly, able to handle more objects that are affected by physics, since both consoles are not strong enough to handle "real" physics rather approximations and maybe PS3 can handle some more polys, but enough to make a real difference? I doubt it...
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