MS guaranteed this number. Meaning it won't throttle below this number. The number isn't impressive except to think out loud that they felt guranteeing this number for developers was important. That means they can depend on it working for 3 hrs straight, hard.
As I understand it, throttling on nvme drives occurs at north of 60C to protect the silicon. We do want it to last 5-7 years not 20 months.
And most consumer and even enthusiast nvme drives are not meant to be running capacity for 3 hrs straight, articles have them hit at 15 minutes of max performance before they need to throttle down.
I love the ideas and creativity there is out there for the fast SSD usage, but the usage of it in the way people are discussing about how it could be used over the course of a 1 - 3 hr play session makes the cooling system of PS5 and the claims of it's performance worthy of dissection. Mainly because they are accomplishing innovation on several fronts, not just bandwidth.