Estimate a BOM delta for PS5 and XBSX

I think they will probably launch at $499/€499 ... but this is not the question, we were asked for a BOM. For this however I really have no idea. The best approach would be to make an actual list of components that we should expect to be in there. Eg

- CPU/GPU Navi 2 based with 36CUs
- 16GB GDDR6 (256bit)
- custom board with memory controller etc
- SSD memory chips
- SSD custom controller (similar to NVMe PCIe 4.0?)
- controller
- UHD 4k BluRay Drive


Feel free to complete this update the OP and add estimated prices ;)
Sony seems to have designed their console to meet the 399 consumer price target, they might have to go 449 or something. If MS launches at 499, Sony could have an advantage there, despite lower-spec and smaller SSD. The smaller SSD is probably the only thing the average joe is going to look regarding specs though.
One can assume the PS5 is going to be cheaper, it looks like a 399 console, which makes sense as the PS4 at 399 was very successfull.
I don’t think so. SSD and cooling solution (let alone Controller upgrades) and their language around the first wired article (iirc) suggest Sony were aiming for a bit more than PS4 RRP.
That doesn't seem right for PS5 and XSX, it's unlikely that PS4's custom PCIe 4.0 SSD would be same price as MS's relatively slow SSD even when the latter is slightly bigger. Memory costing the same doesn't sound right either.

Custom doesn't mean more expensive. It means more R&D cost and probably cheaper BOM cost because you don't pay a third party to do the SSD controller and the I/O. Storage is I/O + NAND Flash price. Sony has less NAND but faster but the I/O probably cost less than MS I/O(if the guy said true on linkedin, this is a Phison controller). Phison paid the company doing the component they take a profit and Phison sold it to MS with a profit. On PS5 Sony paid the company doing the component and they take a profit.

Memory is 16 GB on the two consoles. The XSX increased cost will be on the motherboard with the 320 bits bus.
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So the suggestion is SSD is costing over $100 more than last gen? I find that hard to believe, I appreciate it'll be a big jump but not ~$150 for SSD inclusion.
Why? What's your comparison SSD pricing of similar performance parts that leads you to think it can't be that expensive? A quick search, Samsung 970 Evo Plus is Gen 3 M.2, at 3.5 GB/s and 1 TB capacity, priced at ~£200 retail.
Why? What's your comparison SSD pricing of similar performance parts that leads you to think it can't be that expensive? A quick search, Samsung 970 Evo Plus is Gen 3 M.2, at 3.5 GB/s and 1 TB capacity, priced at ~£200 retail.

Well that's a retail part for a much were the retail HDDs last time for a comparision? It's just that all things being equal, adding $100 to the BoM seems like a big increase so RRP is certain to be at least $100 more just from that one part. Using this completely flawed logic (and the talk of an expensive cooling solution) the implecation is PS5 @ $550 or Sony take a big hit per unit, which I have previosuly been told is not a financially advisable option due to the $100Ms it would cost them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy to pay it...I'm just surprised that after releasing a price agressive PS4 Sony would do that...I was expecting the SSD to be around $100 tops based on changes Sony might have made to the supplied solution and buying power.
We probably should not be using retail prices as barometer for what bulk purchasing for these huge corps may be...

I think he's aware of that. It apply to last generation also, Sony/MS didnt pay retail there either for the HDD's. The SSD/storage is going to be more costly this time around thanks to the transition to SSD and in a larger capicity aswell (500gb to 800 and 1tb).
I think the SSD part price aren't right for PS5 and XSX. The estimation is probably above the real cost.

This Sabrent SSD 1TB is 5 GB/s is comparable to Sony one and the price is 200 dollars at Amazon .

The controller is a Phison E16

With two ARM A5 coprocessor probably like inside the PS5 no coherency engine, no decompressor and DMAC but there is 1GB of DDR4 DRAM and it is considered to be a major cost factor in Sony patent replaced by SRAM and there is some SRAM too.

And Sony don't buy the controller to Phison. Memory estimation looks ok.

Samsung SSD are very expensive.
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We probably should not be using retail prices as barometer for what bulk purchasing for these huge corps may be...
Well of course it's not 1:1, but it gives a ballpark on anything that's not a high-margin part for retail. Retail price of this part is $250. Margins on flash are typically low as it's a highly contested market. Is $150 really that unrealistic? It may not be right, but I don't look at that price and balk it its ludicrousness.

...adding $100 to the BoM seems like a big increase so RRP is certain to be at least $100 more just from that one part...
That's a far worse way to approach estimating a BOM than looking at retails prices. ;) "It can't be $150 because, well, that sound proper expensive to me." :p
Well of course it's not 1:1, but it gives a ballpark on anything that's not a high-margin part for retail. Retail price of this part is $250. Margins on flash are typically low as it's a highly contested market. Is $150 really that unrealistic? It may not be right, but I don't look at that price and balk it its ludicrousness.

That's a far worse way to approach estimating a BOM than looking at retails prices. ;) "It can't be $150 because, well, that sound proper expensive to me." :p

But retail price is related to cost too. And they make good margin on PCIE4 SSD. The Sabrent SSD is comparable to the PS5 one and I doubt the BOM is above 100/130 dollars.
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That's a much better reference. At the same time, margins are going to be what? $50 profit on a $150 part doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

But this one has more NAND than the PS5 one and Sony will order 100's millions of NAND modules each years.

I doubt the storage cost so much maybe better to wait IHS teardown to be sure maybe 20 to 50 dollars above the real cost.

And SSD PCIE4 are the high end with premium price with more profit than on other SSD.

Edit: And seeing retail price of 1 TB 2.4 GB/s SSD. I think the XSX SSD is probably at least slightly cheaper than the PS5 one.
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Well of course it's not 1:1, but it gives a ballpark on anything that's not a high-margin part for retail. Retail price of this part is $250. Margins on flash are typically low as it's a highly contested market. Is $150 really that unrealistic? It may not be right, but I don't look at that price and balk it its ludicrousness.

That's a far worse way to approach estimating a BOM than looking at retails prices. ;) "It can't be $150 because, well, that sound proper expensive to me." :p
But this one has more NAND than the PS5 one and Sony will order 100's millions of NAND modules each years.

I doubt the storage cost so much maybe better to wait IHS teardown to be sure maybe 20 to 50 dollars above the real cost.

And SSD PCIE4 are the high end with premium price with more profit than on other SSD.

Edit: And seeing retail price of 1 TB 2.4 GB/s SSD. I think the XSX SSD is probably at least slightly cheaper than the PS5 one.

I'm betting $100 maximum for the SSD component.
And seeing retail price of 1 TB 2.4 GB/s SSD. I think the XSX SSD is probably at least slightly cheaper than the PS5 one.

The 2.4gb/s is the sustained guranteed rate, the SSD itself has rates higher then that most likely. That and the SSD is nearly 200GB bigger in size. I doubt theres a considerable difference in cost for Sony and MS regarding the SSD itself.