This is what you can find in the VGLeaks documents regarding the latency.check out the wording Boyd Multerer uses:
Regarding cache latency.
" Having the right data in the right caches at all the right time makes all the difference in the world [for this architecture]"
Are colour blocks and depth blocks important for framerate, thus my theory is right? :smile2:ESRAM
Durango has no video memory (VRAM) in the traditional sense, but the GPU does contain 32 MB of fast embedded SRAM (ESRAM). ESRAM on Durango is free from many of the restrictions that affect EDRAM on Xbox 360.
Durango supports the following scenarios:
•Texturing from ESRAM
•Rendering to surfaces in main RAM
•Read back from render targets without performing a resolve (in certain cases)
The difference in throughput between ESRAM and main RAM is moderate: 102.4 GB/sec versus 68 GB/sec.
The advantages of ESRAM are lower latency and lack of contention from other memory clients—for instance the CPU, I/O, and display output. Low latency is particularly important for sustaining peak performance of the color blocks (CBs) and depth blocks (DBs).
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