english language quickie

"Rooter" all the way, hadn't heard "rowter" until a year or two ago (I guess it's a US vs. Europe thing), and frankly, it sounds wrong. (and is, given it's ancestry)
fabianoag said:
Most European English speakers pronounce is a "rooter", but most of my American friends pronounce it "rowt-err".

I pronounce it rowter though. It's interesting, in school I was mostly taught brittish english, though the american variants was mentioned at times too, but I've pretty much always gone for the american pronounciations and spelling.
Simon F said:
Step outide of the USA. :smile:

In Australia and the UK, "Route" is "root". The way you say it makes it sound like a massive win in a battle, ie "rout"
That's what I think when I hear "rowter", or maybe what you call the one who win the battle. Good to hear that I'm right in some regions at least. :smile: So I'll keep on saying "rooter".

I guess this is just another case of language (d)evolving, where things "invented" by ignorance is promoted to the norm. It's not uncommon, we do have some strange words in Swedish too. (Note that I don't say that people saying "rowter" are ignorant, just that the ones who started doing it and made it the norm in some regions was.)
I thought I would bring the whole router-thing up in this thread but so many people beat me to it.

incurable said:
"Rooter" all the way, hadn't heard "rowter" until a year or two ago (I guess it's a US vs. Europe thing), and frankly, it sounds wrong. (and is, given it's ancestry)

We pronounce it 'rauter', pretty much like Krauter but without a K, I don't know why really.
The worst thing I've ever heard was a guy that pronounced polygons "polygyyyyns" for some arcane reasons, that and 'rendrering' or 'to rendrer'. He wrote it perfectly, he was a games programmer so he was perfectly familiar with the concept, it was just that he had this way of... putting in completely weird letters in some words.
Johnny_Physics said:
The worst thing I've ever heard was a guy that pronounced polygons "polygyyyyns" for some arcane reasons, that and 'rendrering' or 'to rendrer'. He wrote it perfectly, he was a games programmer so he was perfectly familiar with the concept, it was just that he had this way of... putting in completely weird letters in some words.

I found the tricky one in 3D graphics was "View frustum". For some reason, you often hear people wanting to put in an extra "r", i.e. "frustrum"
Simon F said:
I found the tricky one in 3D graphics was "View frustum". For some reason, you often hear people wanting to put in an extra "r", i.e. "frustrum"
Guilty as charged. I've always pronounced and written it that way, and never thougt that it could be spelled any other way.:oops:
Is this a return of the perennial English vs American English thread?
Nah, can't be without anyone mentioning the billion vs milliard thing ... oops.

Btw, I'll bring up another pet peeve of mine, people writing "of" instead of "have".
Ie "You should of done ..."
I personally can't get my head around the in American English you visit with someone. Why the extraneous "with"?
Mariner said:
I personally can't get my head around the in American English you visit with someone. Why the extraneous "with"?
"visit with someone" implies to me that you and someone else went somewhere a visiting. :???:

"visit someone" implies to me that you are going to visit someone.
Simon F said:
Shall I send you an MP3?
Most definately! I love putting people's voices to their names even more than pictures. :)

One of these days I'm going to put me silly-voice compelation .mp3 together and let everyone know what I sound like, I think I sound like you'd expect I do. :oops:
My entire English training is collapsing before my very ears...this is going to mess me up for certain. ;)

I've never heard anyone call a router a "rooter" either...
Kanyamagufa said:
My entire English training is collapsing before my very ears...this is going to mess me up for certain. ;)

I've never heard anyone call a router a "rooter" either...

And you (not only you of course) never stopped a minute to think why you say "rowter" (instead of "rooter" for instance)...that's what amazes me, taking such things for granted.
well microsoft sam comes out with something like ringher :LOL:, thats spelling it with the o and the u.

personally pronounce it as rooter myself, though i say rowt when i say re-route, just doesnt sound right saying re-root :???:
