Elden Ring [2022-21-01] [PS, XB, PC]

Don't know about that. Literally looks like the same game with slightly better (darker) shadows.
Yeah, if I wasn't really looking for it, I wouldn't even know some had RT and some didn't.

it's much easier to see in real time and really noticeable, trust me on this one. Maybe it sounded like a bit of an exaggeration. When I mentioned that I was referring to the walls in the building, looking much softer and pleasing, like a different art style within the same game.

Still, it's better to see in real time. Two more pics, one without RT and the other with RT. Months ago, when the game had no RT, I remember parts of the forest that looked so dark that I found them unnatural, even when I gotta admit that the art style is precious, RT on or off.

Here in this picture the sun squeezes between the trees, something that it's impossible to achieve without RT it seems. It looks more like real life in motion compared to a dark shroud of shadow covering everything.

RT Off



The difference is far from subtle IMO.

@London Geezer have you tried full screening the last pic and flicking back and forth using the left and right arrows? The difference is enormous to my eyes.

@Cyan the same is certainly true of some of the pics on the previous page, the first one particularly, but it's more difficult to see the full difference due to the gradual increase in settings. I've reposted your off and highest RT pics here to make the comparison easier in full screen:



RT off too, the rest of this group of screengrabs have RT.


The difference is far from subtle IMO.

@London Geezer have you tried full screening the last pic and flicking back and forth using the left and right arrows? The difference is enormous to my eyes.

@Cyan the same is certainly true of some of the pics on the previous page, the first one particularly, but it's more difficult to see the full difference due to the gradual increase in settings. I've reposted your off and highest RT pics here to make the comparison easier in full screen:


That's a far more interesting comparison. But here's the thing, I find the RT OFF images far more pleasing to look at because for whatever reason, the RT screenshots looks far blurrier and less detailed to me.

I go on hikes a lot and spend time outdoors in the wilderness a lot since it's just a short drive from where I live and I never have a problem focusing on vegetation, etc. However, in the RT ON shots, my eyes have to strain to derive as much detail from the scene as they do when RT is OFF.

In other words, even though the lighting is more correct in the RT ON shots, the RT OFF shots are more similar to what my eyes see in the real world. Not necessarily in terms of lighting, but in the overall scene that is presented and thus are far more comfortable viewing the RT off screen than the RT on screen.

Keep in mind, not everyone perceives things in the same way with their visual systems focusing on and emphasizing the same things. I have no doubt some people find the RT ON scene to be far easier and likely more natural to look at. I'm obviously not one of them.

And before people jump in and erroneously assume that I'm against RT, I'm not. Just that for me, it still isn't where I'd consider it an overall improvement due to a combination of quality, speed and most importantly trade-offs needed to make RT run acceptably on modern hardware.

I mention this here mainly because it may have actually been From Soft, but a Japanese (I think) software developer who had no experience on releasing P.C games released one
but it only supported a single resolution (maybe 720p) When asked why they didn't support different resolutions they answered "because we don't know how"
On one hand it's a terrible answer, on the other I admire their honesty.

Edit: It may very well have been From Soft found this quote from a website
"The PC port of Dark Souls restricts the game at a 1024x768 resolution with a framerate of 30 frames per second."
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That's a far more interesting comparison. But here's the thing, I find the RT OFF images far more pleasing to look at because for whatever reason, the RT screenshots looks far blurrier and less detailed to me.

I go on hikes a lot and spend time outdoors in the wilderness a lot since it's just a short drive from where I live and I never have a problem focusing on vegetation, etc. However, in the RT ON shots, my eyes have to strain to derive as much detail from the scene as they do when RT is OFF.

In other words, even though the lighting is more correct in the RT ON shots, the RT OFF shots are more similar to what my eyes see in the real world. Not necessarily in terms of lighting, but in the overall scene that is presented and thus are far more comfortable viewing the RT off screen than the RT on screen.

Keep in mind, not everyone perceives things in the same way with their visual systems focusing on and emphasizing the same things. I have no doubt some people find the RT ON scene to be far easier and likely more natural to look at. I'm obviously not one of them.

And before people jump in and erroneously assume that I'm against RT, I'm not. Just that for me, it still isn't where I'd consider it an overall improvement due to a combination of quality, speed and most importantly trade-offs needed to make RT run acceptably on modern hardware.

ideally, the best way to see the difference is in motion. The other day I was on the bicycle, and watching the trees at a certain distance, it was very easy to discern how they shade irl -like SSAO so to speak but better- but also the individual leaves, how some cover other leaves with shadows while others are more exposed etc.

What seems to be blurriness (the culprit of that is unnatural SSAO imho), if you switch RT from off to on, is just that the individual leaves and grass are casting shadows. The easiest way to tell the difference is in the trees, imho, like in the picture below. Without RT Elden Ring trees look like cardboard trees from Oblivion. A bunch of leaves and a trunk all lit the same way.

I highlighted an area where the trees look more like cardboard trees without RT.

RT Off



still, the culprit of what Silent might perceive as less detailed is SSAO, 'cos the other day I disabled SSAO when I enabled RT (with RT SSAO shouldn't be necessary, right?) and....

Without SSAO and RT on, RT looks more like non RT but with accurate shadowing. I disabled SSAO 'cos it's a resource hog. The advantage it has is that it applies further away than RT, but other than that never been a fan. Some older games at Maximum settings always seemed a huge shadow mess with "halo" shadows, and looked to horribly dark to me, like black crush prone.

These two pictures have SSAO off.

RT Off (and SSAO off)


RT On (and SSAO off)


Same place with SSAO on.

RT Off and SSAO on.

RT On and SSAO on.

both these images, one with RT Off and the other with RT On, have SSAO disabled. Note how in that way the difference is much more subtle between RT Off and On. SSAO is a hack, and RT acts on SSAO, making the difference much more pronounced than it should be.





Same image but with SSAO on. SSAO just darkens everything out.

I play on a ultrawide resolution, 3840x1080, and at a distance, the font size is small (even for normal 16:9 the font size is not that great) , I found this very nifty mod.

another comparison, with SSAO disabled.




SSAO in this game kinda sucks. The light from the candle looks like it doesnt exist.

SSAO OFF, the candle emits light


SSAO ON, the candle's light is gone

Yes, RT in Elden Ring makes the game's AO look nicer. Mainly in the foliage... but it's an easy "toggle off" decision because the game stutters with RT enabled. RT off it's perfectly smooth for me.

The difference in quality is not enough that it makes it worth having periodic hitches in the gameplay.
Yes, RT in Elden Ring makes the game's AO look nicer. Mainly in the foliage... but it's an easy "toggle off" decision because the game stutters with RT enabled. RT off it's perfectly smooth for me.

The difference in quality is not enough that it makes it worth having periodic hitches in the gameplay.
that's what I ended up doing. The trade-offs make it no worth it. I prefer to have a very solid and smooth framerate. I locked the game at 82fps and use lossless scaling to double the framerate via Frame Generation and I prefer the framerate by a long shot than RT.

It's been working great for the last 20 hours in the game, I am not going back to 30 something, 40 something fps, when the visual gain of course exists but makes no difference in the gameplay and it's subtle in most situations compared to the regular shadows.
I’m on NG+6 or 7 I think 😱 can’t wait for thos
crazy. My utmost admiration for people like you, like this girl.

Elden Ring streamer completes a level 1 playthrough beating the game's 165 bosses—on NG+7, a difficulty she had to finish the game 7 times over just to reach
