EGM guy says Gearsgraphics>Halo3 graphics

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Halo2 uses normal mapping, the difference was huge for my eyes

As was mentioned, your screenshot was pre-release. You can tell just by looking at the visor. Anyhow, Halo did support normal mapping. Take the flashlight to any of the forerunner surfaces (actually, thinking about it, I don't think there was any other surface with the tech applied: it seems exclusive to Forerunner & snow :LOL: ). It just was not to the extent of Halo 2 and which explains why certain things didn't look as sharp (not enough mem) such as the ammo clips/boxes.

WRT GoW vs. Halo 3, it's rather difficult to compare. First of all, we have differences in scale. Halo 3 is supposed to be on a much much bigger scale. Gears of War is more limited in viewing distance and in number of enemies. Second, we've only seen the Master Chief. Bungie's had an advantage off the bat because they don't have to make him look real; he's encased inside armour. There is a certain style there too if you compare Halo 2 Announcement textures to the Halo 2 release and now Halo 3. They seem to be going for more of a glazed look as though the metal were smooth and not rough like anodized aluminum might appear. I'd prefer the grittier metal ala the HW trailer or a better looking Halo 2 Announcement style of metal.

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To those who say UnrealEngine 3.0 is only for small environments...did you see the Unreal 2007 trailer from a year ago, where the camera pans over the entire city. That was large scale no matter whose yardstick you use......

Also, the helicopter ride in some of the latest Gears videos shows a vast landscape.
To those who say UnrealEngine 3.0 is only for small environments.

Do you understand that Gears of War is different from Unreal Tournament :?: It doesn't matter that it's using UE3.0. The game is designed around smaller environments, and it shows from all the videos and screenshots. What does UT2007 have to do with it? or much less, who said anything about small environments being a problem for UE3.0?
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who said anything about small environments being a problem for UE3.0?

Nobody in this thread, but he's probably been reading neogaf with their great claims "UE 3 can't do big enviroments!" and the more common "UE3 can't render hair!"
That partcular screen is from May 2001.
How I remember Halo-Xbox:

'Assaul on the control room' has easily been the greatest Halo level (at least the external parts ;), with that nice ice, the fog, snow and all those explosions and laser blasts and vehicles flying around :) Although the beach landing in 'The silent cartographer' is almost as good, but it just lacks the scope.
'Assaul on the control room' has easily been the greatest Halo level (at least the external parts ;), with that nice ice, the fog, snow and all those explosions and laser blasts and vehicles flying around :) Although the beach landing in 'The silent cartographer' is almost as good, but it just lacks the scope.

I agree Halo 2 just didn't have anything so amazing as those levels. I hope Bungie makes Halo 3 resemble more Halo 1 than the second. Halo 2 was a great game, I'd give it about 9.2, but Halo 1 was monumental masterpiece I'd rank it about 9.7. Hell you lose those .5 with the loss of pistol already :)
GOW is heavily focused on pure graphics. Even so much that it appears there isn't much room left for things like physics, simultaneous effects, big environments, huge amounts of enemies etc. These are all areas where Halo3 can easily be more impressive (or any other game for that matter..)
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I agree Halo 2 just didn't have anything so amazing as those levels. I hope Bungie makes Halo 3 resemble more Halo 1 than the second. Halo 2 was a great game, I'd give it about 9.2, but Halo 1 was monumental masterpiece I'd rank it about 9.7. Hell you lose those .5 with the loss of pistol already :)

I agree 100%
I agree Halo 2 just didn't have anything so amazing as those levels. I hope Bungie makes Halo 3 resemble more Halo 1 than the second. Halo 2 was a great game, I'd give it about 9.2, but Halo 1 was monumental masterpiece I'd rank it about 9.7. Hell you lose those .5 with the loss of pistol already :)

I agree in the most part, but I loved the level Delta Halo on Halo 2, was pretty own.
GOW is heavily focused on pure graphics. Even so much that it appears there isn't much room left for things like physics, simultaneous effects, big environments, huge amounts of enemies etc. These are all areas where Halo3 can easily be more impressive (or any other game for that matter..)
I think it's the nature of the game.

I mean some people are treating GoW as if it is a fps ,when discussing various aspects of it, like its multiplayer,its gameplay or its general stracture.Maybe because it is being hyped as a flagship game for an xbox console.The reality is that it is a slow paced horror/action 3rd person shooter that is really far from something like UT2007 or the Halo games.
I think it's the nature of the game.

I mean some people are treating GoW as if it is a fps ,when discussing various aspects of it, like its multiplayer,its gameplay or its general stracture.Maybe because it is being hyped as a flagship game for an xbox console.The reality is that it is a slow paced horror/action 3rd person shooter that is really far from something like UT2007 or the Halo games.
Exactly the whole "Cears Vs Halo3" thing is a pseydo-comparison for me. The real fps versus battle for the next year is going to be Halo3 vs Wolfenstein vs Crysis vs Killzone2 , IMO.:smile:
No one really knows when its gona be released. We will be lucky to see any footage before E3 07 though.

MS already said we'd hear more about it before the end of this year. Also, there is a reason MS was showing some of it to the press recently.
MS already said we'd hear more about it before the end of this year. Also, there is a reason MS was showing some of it to the press recently.

MS & Killzone :?: Or do you mean Halo? :p Frankie did mention something last week about showing Halo 3 before end of the year; didn't know MS said anything.
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