EGM guy says Gearsgraphics>Halo3 graphics

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I wasn't meaning to stir up all this reaction. Only that, I'm honestly not that keen on Bungie as pure technical developers. I think Halo one was great, graphically, it was excellent, maybe THE best early graphics on the Xbox, and despite what others say I think a good early showcase for a game that could not be done on PS2. Halo 2, however was a real disapointment (both in gameplay but mainly for purposes of discussion here, graphics). Halo 2 was essentially no improvement on Halo 1's graphics at all. I was prettty disappointed in bungie for that.

I've already asked myself, there already is something a bit reminiscent of Halo in the Gears vids, I naturally squinted a little bit and wondered "what would Halo look like on this engine" because Gears really does look great. I'm not sure it'd make a great Halo engine either though, I'm not sure it handles the wide open spaces, clean look, and sheer number of enemies Halo requires. Yet if you wanted to wow people with a next gen Halo's graphics, UE3.0, in as Gears type universe, would be a slam dunk.
resistence will be out in a months time

Except that resistance doesn't have any of these things and seems like a very cheap immitation of Halo.

Anyway there's no way that Halo3 will look as good as GoW ,even the finished halo3 game.I don't see how a game with the scope that they are aiming for Halo3(and if you watch the "Halo3-in the beginning" you'll see that scope is their n1 priority) can have the detail of GoW.Maybe with the next xbox,ps4 whatever...
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this is a very smartless comparison, one game it's in the gold area, ready to ship, and another is far from be completed ( 1 - 1,5 years to go )

will Halo3 look better?
I think yes, a LOT better

it is a second gen title, gow is still a firs gen title
it uses an engine born for X360, gow uses a midware cross platform engine
a lot of people/money/time are in the Halo3 project (it's too importat for MS), gow is one of the many games in development for a lot of platform for EPiC, it's a secondary game for them)

at the moment we have few detail on this game, but bungie already says that this engine will use a global lightining, and I'm pretty sure it will support tiling and AA (gow it's not using aa 'cause the bad scaling performances of the UE3 when AA is enabled)

UE3 on 360 misses:
memexport functions
geometry tessellator
procedural textures

and so on

with another year, year and half will see some exclusive titles that will star to use the hardware, and I really think that Halo3 is one of them
Halo 2 was essentially no improvement on Halo 1's graphics at all. I was prettty disappointed in bungie for that.

I disagree with you friend

Halo2 uses normal mapping, the difference was huge for my eyes


edited to add the 'next gen' improvment from bungie :)
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I never remembered Halo1 looking like that. :oops:

I too
next gen graphics (oh please, stop with the 'next gen thing': it's a year that this is actual gen) change our vision of reality and our memories.. :)

for the 2001 this was very good graphics, but it's with halo2 that Halo was the eye candy beauty that all of us remember, normal mapping and bump mapping everywhere, a single leg of the H2 model have the detail of the whole H1 Masterchief model

H1 looks as a bad ps2 games in the 2006, but take a look to what was the games for ps2 in the 2001 ;)
well, isnt Halo franchise more focused on gameplay than grafix? i dont c why it's stiring drama here. but yeah, given time more game would eventually exceed gears for sure.
H1 looks as a bad ps2 games in the 2006, but take a look to what was the games for ps2 in the 2001
I'd choose Halo 1 graphics over Black graphics anyday. Maybe Black is an example of very bad PS2 2006 graphics. The game had very sharp wall and ground textures, complete lack of AF destroyed effect though. I remember that I was really disappointed that Halo 2 didn't have the same grass texture.;)
a lot of people/money/time are in the Halo3 project (it's too importat for MS), gow is one of the many games in development for a lot of platform for EPiC, it's a secondary game for them)
I wouldn't say that. Microsoftr has way better marketing than Midway and Gears of War probably will sell MUCH better than UT2k7. Of course Epic have huge incomes anyway from licensing UE3 to other developers.
The game had very sharp wall and ground textures, complete lack of AF destroyed effect though. I remember that I was really disappointed that Halo 2 didn't have the same grass texture.;)

I remember that Halo2 have the best ground textures for the time.. normal mapped, with a very good lightining




but, hem, are we derailing a bit from the topic?:rolleyes:
better back in topic
You can't really judge the graphics this early obviously and this is just EGM trying to get people to buy EDGE cards..
So now GOW is a....secondary title for Epic???LoL.....

Anyway i will ask again:How can Halo3 with huge battlegrounds and a ton of enemies/foes on screen(and i mean trully a lot of activity on screen unlike some other sci-fi fps) have graphics as detailed as GOW??Is this even possible for the console,no matter how much money MS thorws on Halo3 development??
So now GOW is a....secondary title for Epic???LoL.....

so... this... is....yes....
they are developing Unreal T2007 for pc?
they are doing the same for ps3?
oh... seems so.....
they are putting a LOT of efford to make the UE3 available for ps3 developers in the next year (2007)?
Oh, wait... yes...

while you are you lolling, do you think that this 3 major projects for the 2007 will start after gow is completed or at the same time gow was in development?

try to see how much developers are working on GOW, even Cliffy B. was surprised for what they are doing with a mid-little developer groups dedicated to the project.

Anyway i will ask again:How can Halo3 with huge battlegrounds and a ton of enemies/foes on screen(and i mean trully a lot of activity on screen unlike some other sci-fi fps) have graphics as detailed as GOW??Is this even possible for the console,no matter how much money MS thorws on Halo3 development??

maybe you are talking of Halo Wars, I'm talking of Halo3
gow is FAR to use the hardware of the 360, it uses a middleware multiplatfom engine and don't uses special functions of the console, if you would like to believe that this is the best that can be done, you are easly wrong

will come titles that will put gow in the dust, take this for sure
While GoW is being made by rather small team (25-45 people depending on the stage of the project), I'd say that it's extremely important for Epic. It's a new IP that gets extremely huge amounts of press coverage and is heavily advertised by the biggest software company. GoW can have the same impact as Unreal and Unreal Tournament had at the time and can bring Epic back to the pantheon of game developers (because almost every person who played the game says it's extremely fun). Plus it's a showcase of their new engine. I wouldn't say it's a secondary project.:rolleyes:
so... this... is....yes....
they are developing Unreal T2007 for pc?
they are doing the same for ps3?
oh... seems so.....
they are putting a LOT of efford to make the UE3 available for ps3 developers in the next year (2007)?
Oh, wait... yes...

while you are you lolling, do you think that this 3 major projects for the 2007 will start after gow is completed or at the same time gow was in development?

try to see how much developers are working on GOW, even Cliffy B. was surprised for what they are doing with a mid-little developer groups dedicated to the project.

maybe you are talking of Halo Wars, I'm talking of Halo3
gow is FAR to use the hardware of the 360, it uses a middleware multiplatfom engine and don't uses special functions of the console, if you would like to believe that this is the best that can be done, you are easly wrong

will come titles that will put gow in the dust, take this for sure

Dont forget the xb360 version of it ;)
so... this... is....yes....
they are developing Unreal T2007 for pc?
they are doing the same for ps3?
oh... seems so.....
they are putting a LOT of efford to make the UE3 available for ps3 developers in the next year (2007)?
Oh, wait... yes...

while you are you lolling, do you think that this 3 major projects for the 2007 will start after gow is completed or at the same time gow was in development?

try to see how much developers are working on GOW, even Cliffy B. was surprised for what they are doing with a mid-little developer groups dedicated to the project.

maybe you are talking of Halo Wars, I'm talking of Halo3
gow is FAR to use the hardware of the 360, it uses a middleware multiplatfom engine and don't uses special functions of the console, if you would like to believe that this is the best that can be done, you are easly wrong

will come titles that will put gow in the dust, take this for sure
Since you like quoting CliffyB he has said that GoW is the most important game ever for epic.WTF does porting an ENGINE to the ps3 has to do with how important GOW is??

and no,smart ass,i am not talking about halo wars,i am talking about halo3.Is there any doubt that Bungie will focus on scale when developing Halo 3??Heck even Halo 1 had more enemies and foes on screen than pretty much any other fps.If you think that a game with the scale of halo3 can have the graphics fidelity of GoW,then prepare to be dissapointed.

Oh and the modified UE2 was giving us games like SC:CT for the xbox1 so i don't think that UE3 will be just a simple "middleware" engine giving us mediocre results.I'll wait until i see something more impressive than GoW or BIA3 before dismissing the UE3 as an engine that "doesn't use special functions of the console".
Exactly. This is a ridiculous thread. You mean to tell me a game with 32+ AI/players is going to be beat in the graphics department by a slower paced 6 character game? Big shocker !
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