EGM guy says Gearsgraphics>Halo3 graphics

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At around 33:40 mark Shoe (I think):

"I want every game to look like Gears of War now. That's like the new standard, and when it doesn't look like that-like we just saw Halo 3 and, Halo 3 looks good but I'm like, man, everything needs to look like Gears of War now, that game looks so good".

And Shoe obviously attended the top secret the Halo 3 session for magazines, in the last few days, where select magazine editors only were said to see a brief single player clip, and allowed to play multi I believe.
Considering halo 3 has another year in development (and with gears about to go gold any day now), I wouldnt really put too much weight on his comment.
true. I'm sure halo look good but very different. I don't think there's many games that will match gears of wars graphics for a while. mainly because the unreal tech has been ahead of the game for a while and epic knows that tech better than anyone. They can get alot out of it. it will be interesting to see what unreal 4 can do.

At around 33:40 mark Shoe (I think):

"I want every game to look like Gears of War now. That's like the new standard, and when it doesn't look like that-like we just saw Halo 3 and, Halo 3 looks good but I'm like, man, everything needs to look like Gears of War now, that game looks so good".

And Shoe obviously attended the top secret the Halo 3 session for magazines, in the last few days, where select magazine editors only were said to see a brief single player clip, and allowed to play multi I believe.
This is why companies create target renders and "lie"; the gaming press is wholly incompable of making reasonable comparisons.

Dan Hsu has been in the game too long to make a silly slip like that, but now the meme crossing the internet is that the Halo 3 graphics aren't good.
He wants to watch Microsoft dont hire a hit-man, downplaying the console's biggest game and possibly damageing sale's of Halo 3 and 360's at the same time, if i were Microsoft id be pisst.
mainly because the unreal tech has been ahead of the game for a while
i was under the impression it wasnt really initially designed for multicore thus wasnt the best choice for xb360 + certainly not for the ps3
Halo and Gears are too different games from what i can tell. I think that Halo will have lots of characters on screen while in gears i have never seen more than 6 characters on screen at once. I remember one of the epic guys talking about how UT2007 wont be as graphically impressive as gears for those same reasons, they want a lot of characters on screen at once.
Considering halo 3 has another year in development (and with gears about to go gold any day now), I wouldnt really put too much weight on his comment.

Yes, as Bungie's own updates have noted that even recently most MP maps were completely bare (some even lacking textures).

Another consideration is game style. GOW and Halo are polar opposites in terms of gameplay. Halo is pretty quick, open ended in MP, with vehicles. GOW is close quarter, pop and shoot, tactical combat. GOW is max 4v4, whereas Halo can be assumed to at least have 16, and maybe more -- plus 4 player split screen if past versions hold true. And based on the technology Bungie has shown, 13 mile view distances of real geometry and their comments about "other places" for their geometry budget indicate that Halo, in design, is different. And of course there are technical differences (Halo uses MSAA).

Typically the press waits to comment/compare closed door game demos as the obvious "still early in development" but the gaming press, in general, tends to be on the fanatical/tabloid because of the market (fanbois) and hype/dirt sells well. Of course this could mean the guy is just so in love with Gears of War that everything will pale for years... part of it could very well be art. Gears has a dirty, detailed design that may appeal to some and not to others.

Personally I think Halo needs some design changes to make the next gen jump, specifically in art. The art worked well for the Xbox1 and NV2A. Bright colors, stylistic boxy characters, etc don't pair well with where technology has gone (see: DoA4, which is technically much better than DoA3 but the art is a major bottleneck). The Halo Wars CGI is a good idea of where I personally would like to see Halo go, but that may be out of reach technically to fake to any reasonable degree.

Anyhow, until we see both games nearer completion it is hard to say, but any comparison will need to consider the number of players, wap size, vehicles, etc...

i was under the impression it wasnt really initially designed for multicore thus wasnt the best choice for xb360 + certainly not for the ps3

You probably misunderstood, but UE3 is multithreaded in the renderer now and in the past my understanding was that certain APIs like Novodex or Sound could be threaded. The big bummer with the 360 is the GPU where you have tiling and the ROPs are designed for full speed logic with MSAA (16 Z samples per clock w/o MSAA, 64 with 4xMSAA) and bandwidth to feed such, but UE3, as it isn't targetting MSAA, goes another route. Seeing as RSX is NV47 based there is no reason, on the graphical side, that UE3 should't do great. UE3 was first showcased on NV40 hardware and later SLI (e.g. E3 2005 GOW demo was 6800GT SLI). Epic is a NV partner as well, and with the significant NV install based in PC gamers machines there is no reason to think UE3 wouldn't do well on the PS3. Especially if the logic of some that UE3 isn't pushing physics, AI, etc and is mainly a GPU-graphics centered solution ;)
I do agree it is too early to call Halo 3's graphics less than that of Gears of War. It may be the case as of right now, but what happens if Bungie surpasses Gears by E3 of next year when they have worked further along and gotten even more out of the console?

But I do agree. Gears has excellent graphics on the 360 and it is a gam I am looking forward to. I want to play it when it comes out. Hopefully that will be possible as I'm sure it iwll be sold out for a long while.
Halo3 ain't allowed to come out until they put out a PC version of Halo2.

If Bungie achieve this level of graphics in actual gameplay in the final game (as they promised), Halo 3 wiil be easily better looking game.:smile:
Well, thats the level of graphics the engine was running at at E3, but obivously that doesn't mean it'll translate to actual gameplay with physics and A.I running. Some parts of the graphics may not actually be complted either (which has been stated in Bungie weekly update repeatedly).

e art worked well for the Xbox1 and NV2A. Bright colors, stylistic boxy characters, etc don't pair well with where technology has gone (see: DoA4, which is technically much better than DoA3 but the art is a major bottleneck). The Halo Wars CGI is a good idea of where I personally would like to see Halo go, but that may be out of reach technically to fake to any reasonable degree.

I don't agree. The art style in Halo allows for detail and realism. Metal will obivously look better (judging by Master chief above), and enviroments and vechicals should look better as well. Its just humans and covenant that are in question. I myself help that the actual model quaility of the humans does improve, because as you said, they have a very boxy feeling to them.
Well, thats the level of graphics the engine was running at at E3, but obivously that doesn't mean it'll translate to actual gameplay with physics and A.I running.
That's why I said "if";)
I personally believe thay will achieve that and Halo 3 will be pinnacle of next-gen gaming in 2007. Core Halo 2 is really talented and they probably hired the best people they could find to work on Halo 3. The team working on Halo 3 is 2-3 times bigger than team working on GoW (but that doesn't mean better code of course), they have an additional year of development (which is ages in console games development) and they are working on an engine that's built only for Xbox 360.
There will be probably better looking games at the time than Halo 3, but Halo 3 will probably have incredible AI (basing on what Bungie achieved in Halo 2) and massive scale.
If halo 3 is what I hope it is then I fully expect GoW to look better. I am hoping for a game with massive battle grounds with hundreds of enemys and allies. I want to be in the middle of epic large battle grounds trying to defend earth at all costs. I really hope they don't make the battle grounds small just to make screen shots look better.
If halo 3 is what I hope it is then I fully expect GoW to look better. I am hoping for a game with massive battle grounds with hundreds of enemys and allies. I want to be in the middle of epic large battle grounds trying to defend earth at all costs. I really hope they don't make the battle grounds small just to make screen shots look better.


some of these so-called journalists make me say... WTF?
Great graphics can come in many packages. If Halo looks anything like what they showed at E3 it should be fine... but if I could have 1 request, it would be that they steal a page from Lost Planet... namely this one:


Big open battlegrounds with a ton of action + killer explosions = droool

Of course Bungie's strength is more design and AI, so mainly I want them to evolve the franchise (much to the complaint of hardcore, "You changed my shields?! You must die Bungie!" fans) and FPS in general. It doesn't need to be drastic, but increasing the quality/quantity of the game on a larger scale would be great.
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