Eating Eggs,


<span style="color: rgb(124, 197, 0)">R.I.P. 1983-
I have a steady supply of eggs around here. A friend has a ton of chickens and they always giving me eggs. Now like a typical paranoid individual I seperate the yolk from the white. But the more I read about it the more I wonder how neccasary that is. I have been reading alot of information about eggs. And I cant find anything conclusive. Some say that your body will not absorb the cholestral found in eggs. Or the liver will produce less. Others say its good to seperate the white from the yolk. Now I've sticking it out with seperating the white from yolk. But I wonder if I am just being wasteful rather than healthy.

Any health sensitive people have any insight on this?
Not sure I can really comment much on this, since my knowledge on this this is only from the BBC program "The Truth About Food", but apparently the yellow pigment in egg yolks (Lutein), also in spinach and kiwi fruit, helps form a protective UV/Blue filter layer in your eyes.
Have you noticed a peculiar blue tint to the world recently Chris? ;)

I eat a couple of eggs for breakfast most days, haven't died yet.
Nah my big nerdy glasses would just reflect the blue back to me. :p
What is the purpose of separating the yolk from the white (or what do you do with them afterwards)? I never heard of something like that.
The yolk is where all the cholesterol and fatty acids are located. If you eat lots of eggs (3+) at a time, it may be worth taking out the yolks from one or two just to moderate your cholesterol intake.

I do it all the time because I tend to eat 4-9 at a time and that much cholesterol can be...not good. :oops:
Yes the yolk has all the cholestral. The white is mostly made of proteins and amino acids which are very good for you. But a single yolk has about 220 grams of cholestrol. However upon reading about it. Theres debate about whether that cholestral is actually absorbed into your blood stream or not..

Currently If I make 6 eggs. I only use the yolk of one of them.
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Chris, you can calmly eat eggs. Less then three eggs per day won't do you any harm, they are source of precious proteins and hydrocarbonats. You don't die because of eggs, you die because of lack of movement :)
i never had this problem, never liked the taste of egg yolk to begin with (unless scrambled). I'll take some egg whites and ketchup any day though.
Oh, I didn't know you were talking about emu eggs ;)(
LOL!!!! 220 grams! Seems more like he's re-discovered the extinct elephant bird!

Cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance vital to the cells of all mammals. There are no such things as good or bad cholesterol, but mental stress, physical activity and change of body weight may influence the level of blood cholesterol. A high cholesterol is not dangerous by itself, but may reflect an unhealthy condition, or it may be totally innocent.