Driver Issues, I think?


First, I'm still on the AGP bandwagon. Not that I have anything against PCI-E, it's just that I'm not ready for a complete rebuild yet.

So anyway, I've just upgraded from an ATI X700 Pro 256 to an HIS X1950 Pro 512 (also replaced 1G of Corsair w/ 2G of OCZ Platinum).

Anyway... after rearranging my hard drives to get this massive card to fit, I boot up and everything seems to be ok. I've already uninstalled my old drivers, so now I install the latest drivers from ATI's website (Catalyst 7.9 I think). Install finishes, and I reboot. Everything goes well up to the Windows Loading screen.... but instead of switching to the "welcome" screen, the monitor goes blank and says "no input".

Reboot, same thing.

So I reboot into the last known good configuration and install the drivers from the disc that came w/ the card (Catalyst 6.9). Booted up no problem.

But.... when opening (or closing) a video file, movie, etc, the screen "very briefly" flashes black.. maybe switching between 2D and 3D video?

So basically... what's causing the brief "black flash" and is it normal.. and is there some reason why the latest ATI drivers won't work?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Awesome, thanks!

Booted up perfectly, and the brief "black flash" no longer appears when opening/closing videos.

I owe you a beer.