Dragon Age III: Inquisition. Standard official discussion thread [XO,PS4,PS3,X360]

Folks, about this Dragon Age Keep.. can I upload my Dragon Age 1/2 PC savegame files to the Keep and use the story in the PS4 version of Inquisition?
That's not how it works I think. I logged in with my Origin account and the keep extrapolated what seemed like a bunch of trophies from the first 2 games. Nothing more unfortunately. You have to enter all your choices manually. (good luck remembering the 300 choices you've made over the course of two massive games, its add-ons and dlcs)
Then again if Inquisition treats your choices like DA2 did, you aren't gonna miss much.

PS4 footage and impressions.

Seems a bit like it's inherited the quantity-over-quality mantra from mmos.
Sorry, but if you bring up 8 reasons for why I'm supposed to be all over a new Bioware rpg, barely mentioning character interaction makes me kinda sceptical. So apparently it's good because it has plenty of modern mindless filler fluff like drawing a sword into the sky in order to "unlock stuff". Also lots of collectibles. I've heard that from a lot of places now, by the way. Instead of interesting quests, filled with choices that flesh out your own avatar's personality (just about any side quest in DA:O basically), Inquisition has lots of mmo-ish find-x-amount-of-stuff-and-bring-it-back kind of quests. Frequently there isn't even a quest giver. Instead you just pick up random memos or letters. But who cares, right. I mean look at how vast the game world is.:rolleyes:
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The hulking guy with the Flaming Sword,thats what me gonna be roaming as ! Imagonna live my Dark Souls fantasy here( without the difficulty :p) ! I wish the game would let us choose the weather preference. I want the game to be this dark and moody all the time !
i have not played any Dragon Age at all.
can somebody tells me what it looks like, play like, and told like?

from trailers i have the impression that its a mix of Elder Scrolls and Witcher? Not as crazy open with random stuff as Elder scrolls but have strong story like witcher and plays like witcher.

agh i just checked and this game only sold on Origin. gonna wait for review to see it will be worth the hassle to buy or not.
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I would say bioware makes very bioware style RPGS, just like most RPG companies have their own respective flavours as well.

Bioware games started off being very technical from a rule set perspective, with full control over your party and a strict D&D style rule system. Over time they started moving into a more cinematic style of gameplay keeping the core of dialogue choices and party interaction intact but the rule system no longer based on an existing table top game.

Removing rules and technical rpg aspects of the game what makes bioware a bioware game is the amount of interaction between your party members. It is very much a personalize and customize your story but for the most part your story is already laid out for you. So not really a free roam and not really a final fantasy.

In this regard it is closer to witcher with the exception that you are not playing characters that are already grounded in he universe; your character is yours and personal to you. Your party members and if you choose whether to have them on board or let them die etc are up to you.

Romance and dialogue and voice acting are now very much staples of bioware style RPGs.

I apologize for not being more concise. I was a little too excited to answer
agh i just checked and this game only sold on Origin. gonna wait for review to see it will be worth the hassle to buy or not.

I haven't played any Dragon Age either, but its an RPG, lets you choose your party memebers, has vast open areas full of side quests, collectibles. YOu can make changes to the story by your decisions, romance NPCs(I find that yuck, somehow), chose who lives and dies, and what shape the final story takes. Reviews are already out and are praising it all over. Main quest line seems to take 85-90 hours to complete :O and the reviewers say they still haven't checked out quite a lot of areas even at the 100 hour mark. I guess thats a HUGE world then. Not one open world but a lot of open areas with tones to explore, invest in and conquer. Also, you can choose from various species and play-styles and calso switch between playing any party member at any time.

and a 4 player co-op mode which is like Diablo but with Third person camera.
YOu can make changes to the story by your decisions, romance NPCs(I find that yuck, somehow), chose who lives and dies
hehe. I assure you if you play you won't feel that way. You can equally ignore any sort of romance, but after a while I think you naturally seeing this game play out like a movie, and you will feel like, you want my PC to get together with this person, and the story changes, and then you decide, "I didn't like that", I want my PC to hook up with this person now. Then it gets complicated ;) haha equally fun in it's own right.
okay read and watch a few reviews. Seems the game is awesome with character progression (both in gameplay and story). But lacking in the over-arching story. The visual looks beautifully stylized although i hate the hair (im sure it will be covered by head-gear so im ok).

seems ill be buying this on PC after i make sure my pc can run it. if not, then its PS4.

yikes! the PS4 version only 5 dollar more expensive than PC. hmm..
http://www.psegameshop.com/index.php?route=product/search&keyword=dragon age&category_id=0

ah just pre ordered for PS4 :D
i think i will be focused on the SP but if anybody want to MP, feel free to text me on PSN.
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Wow the iq and general graphics look surprisingly good on the Xbone despite 900p.


It looks almost supersampled compared to that AC Unity blurfest.
okay read and watch a few reviews. Seems the game is awesome with character progression (both in gameplay and story). But lacking in the over-arching story. The visual looks beautifully stylized although i hate the hair (im sure it will be covered by head-gear so im ok).

seems ill be buying this on PC after i make sure my pc can run it. if not, then its PS4.

yikes! the PS4 version only 5 dollar more expensive than PC. hmm..
http://www.psegameshop.com/index.php?route=product/search&keyword=dragon age&category_id=0

ah just pre ordered for PS4 :D
i think i will be focused on the SP but if anybody want to MP, feel free to text me on PSN.

Hi Five :D !!!
Wish the co-op was in the main open world, though. Would have rocked !
I wanna be the Warrior but usually when you are fighting Dragons, my common sense says I need to be good at Ranged attacks. But I wanna be a Warrior, hulking, heavy and butt-smashing enemies ! I will let common sense go to hell and be a Hulking Heavy Warrior:cool: !

(The new smileys are officially pathetic :eek:, I want my old B3D back :mad:)
Glad it turned out great. The previews had me kinda worried, but apparently it just doesn't become a proper DA game until a little later.
So, I have Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition will I be able to play 3 without playing it? or should I just get into the game and get this when I've finished the story and at least know some background to it all.

Also, the only Bioware game I have actually enjoyed was Star Wars KotoR, is this anything like it in terms of combat etc.or is it more like Mass Effect?
So, I have Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition will I be able to play 3 without playing it? or should I just get into the game and get this when I've finished the story and at least know some background to it all.

Also, the only Bioware game I have actually enjoyed was Star Wars KotoR, is this anything like it in terms of combat etc.or is it more like Mass Effect?

You should play it because it's a great game ;) The combat is much closer to Kotor than ME. The story in DA games isn't nearly as much connected to each game as they are in ME, probably a summary video or some such could serve you well if you choose not to play it. The second game is good too, even if not as good as the first, at least the PC-version is. The console versions are much worse due to different game mechanics.
DA:O is basically Baldur's Gate 3. It's definitely more Kotor than ME. That seems to hold true for Inquisition as well, even though the action has been ramped up a little. And no, I wouldn't recommend going into Inquisition straight away. The games aren't quite as connected as the three Mass Effect games were, but they are connected nonetheless. The world and politics of the DA universe are very well fleshed out. It's kinda like game of thrones. The fantasy setting itself may be Tolkien-esque and rather run-of-the-mill, but just like J.R.R. Martin, Bioware managed to do some very interesting things with it. At the very least you should read up on the lore beforehand. But since you have DA:O anyway, you might as well give it a try. It's a fine rpg, and by the time you're finished with it you can probably get Inquisition for quite a bit cheaper too.
Don't forget to use https://dragonagekeep.com/en_US/

It imports in any previous DA save game and you have to pick what happens in the story line for DAO and DA2 for the results to be exported into DA3. I did have problems remembering every single decision though, but main ones I got. I was pretty much a jolly jumper save everyone and no one dies type person.
Don't forget to use https://dragonagekeep.com/en_US/

It imports in any previous DA save game and you have to pick what happens in the story line for DAO and DA2 for the results to be exported into DA3. I did have problems remembering every single decision though, but main ones I got. I was pretty much a jolly jumper save everyone and no one dies type person.

So you can upload the savegames from the PC, right? I was worried I had to remember every single thing I did in the previous two games :S
I read that saves have no effect with da3 just yesterday when playing origins and accidentally looking at my profile