Deleted member 13524
I don't think it looks very impressive at all, certainly not like a modded Skyrim. is it the Youtube compression or does the AA turn off completely as soon as the character moves? When he stops in places everything looks quite crisp then turns into a jaggy quincunx like mess.
I don't think we'll see anything that surpasses Skyrim's best community-made geometry models and textures anytime soon in a game. Maybe not until we see another numbered elder scrolls for the PC (which should be coming now that ES:Online is seen as a failure).
Regarding the latest gameplay videos, keep in mind that they all say "gameplay representative of xbox one" in the beginning. Given how the xbone is the weakest (new-gen) of the bunch, we should see better AA and/or resolution for the PS4 and even better optional AA for the PC version.