Dragon Age III: Inquisition. Standard official discussion thread [XO,PS4,PS3,X360]

There are a bunch of little things in ME1 that carried over throughout the years that I thought was really nice (as long as I remembered the reference :LOL: ). They were minor blips in the grand scheme, but it added that bit of personal touch. I suppose the biggest running gag was Verner, though IIRC, he never shows up if you never completed his quest in the first game - a shame they didn't have time to come up with an alternative "first meeting" in 2/3. I do recall some gangwar you got mixed up in the first game too and the lady could meet you in the second game. Even that woman who was arguing with her brother-in-law about genetically modifying her son.

The feeling of continuity for the time invested is what it's about.

Sure, it may mean missing out if you don't carry over, but I think they'll also have to draw a line at what extra details they can add to the game that's worth their development dollars as well - does it make sense to go into hardcore detail with tiny references that go back to the first game when the majority of the audience doesn't.

TBH and IMHO, DA: O was so fucking long that I barely remember anything other than major plot points, and even then the combinations were stupid silly with your 6 origins and romances and the possible twist at the end. DAII had its moments IIRC, but I can't remember a damn thing about it other than some creepy shit with the player's mother's fate. I don't think I'll mind if I never meet Ser what's-his-name or bandit-X, but maybe some major demon? I don't even recall their names. I'm not sure it'll matter as much since we're playing different people in every game.

I don't know how in-depth the Dragon Age Keep tool will be, but it seems like they're putting a lot more effort into it than the comic book selection thing they introduced for ME2 and ME3. I suppose they would have to, what with all the different origins. *shrug* Will be interesting to see. :)

The ME trilogy is certainly a neat experiment in that regard, and I'm sure they've learned a lot from their tracking data there. Heck, by the 3rd game, a lot of the little things simply get referenced in e-mails or datapads that are kind of minor as far as dev time should go. Does it need to be rewarded? I think a mix is sufficient - small tokens of 'appreciation' or just simply your own satisfaction at seeing that little bit referenced again and continued.
It looks really nice. One of the more graphically impressive games of E3

The dragon's model is a little weak imo, but other than that...

Frostbite 3 engine.
I thought full-screen it didn't hold up as well as The Witcher, and I also like the art in there much better. Also, apparently this is not open world, but it does have really large environments now.

But all that comparison stuff probably matters little, considering how much people have liked the previous games. :)

In general though I'm very happy with how next-gen is starting to shape up. Some real differences here.
I think this might replace destiny for me , that 18 minute video of the dragon fight really got me excited !
I tried to play dragon age on PS3 once.

But technically (and gameplay wise) the game was so awful, on so many aspects, I never could get immersed in the world and stopped playing altogether.

At least it's the impression it gave me in the first hours of playing, maybe I missed important gameplay elements?

But I am still intrigued by this one.
Dragon age origins was awesome , I don't believe it came to consoles. Dragon age 2 was a complete mess because it focused on consoles to much.
Dragon age origins was awesome , I don't believe it came to consoles. Dragon age 2 was a complete mess because it focused on consoles to much.

Origins was on consoles but PC was clearly the lead platform.

Really don't know why DA2 gets so much hate. I thought it was great!
to much repeating of the same dungeon / areas is why I didn't care for it. IT wasn't a bad game but was certainly a step back compared to origins

Best looking IQ I've seen on the XB1... looks good. :eek:
That's one of the videos I've seen yesterday and I was totally impressed. :oops:

I was completely captivated by the game.

That being said, the wooded area reminds me immensely of Skyrim, :eek: just after the intro once you leave the cave of Skyrim, with those narrow paths and the pine trees around. Don't you think?

Yup, reminds me of my Modded Skyrim on my PC. The game looks great, whenever its not using the horrible poison green shade, but it hasn't really grabbed me yet. Haven't watched the latest video yet, though.
I don't know, something about the game looks off. For the same forest setting The Witcher 3 looks tons more impressive. Is it because Dragon Age 3 isn't using PBR?
I don't know, something about the game looks off. For the same forest setting The Witcher 3 looks tons more impressive. Is it because Dragon Age 3 isn't using PBR?

The only negative things that I see about DA3:I is certain geometry draw issues, some weird fogging issues (mask geometry draw?), and some obvious frame hitching. But that's more likely hardware related, than software related. Other than that, the IQ looks beautiful... beyond anything that I seen on the XB1 thus far.
The environments are actually the high point of the game. Everything is just incredibly well done - the assets, the colors, the atmosphere, the lighting. Despite being an open world game, every scene feels strongly art directed, there must be a huge amount of work behind them.

Sure, the art style is not photoreal - but I really really prefer this more paintery look.

The characters however are a disappointment. I'd rather not get into specifics, out of respect for the team, but unfortunately they're the low point. It's also strange because every bit of character art work I've seen (and the concepts we've got for the DA2 trailer) is truly inspiring, very strong shapes and colors and proportions, making the most of the non-photoreal style. Much of that seems to be lost in the implementation. So if we really have to compare the game with the Witcher, this is where Wild Hunt is superior in every possible way.
I don't think it looks very impressive at all, certainly not like a modded Skyrim. is it the Youtube compression or does the AA turn off completely as soon as the character moves? When he stops in places everything looks quite crisp then turns into a jaggy quincunx like mess.
I don't think this is true open world either. They are still separate areas like in the pre ious games, though the areas are apparently much, much larger now.